I tried 'Mitsuya Immune Support,' which has a slight yogurt flavor and is lightly carbonated.

A new product called ' Mitsuya Immune Support ' has been released, which is a collaboration between the 'Mitsuya' brand, known for its cider, and
Mitsuya Immune Support PET 500ml | Carbonated drinks | Product information | Asahi Beverages
The package looks like this, with the Mitsuya logo and the words 'Immune Support' prominently displayed.

The first ingredient was 'lactic acid bacteria powder'. In addition, normal Mitsuya Cider uses fructose glucose liquid sugar, but 'Mitsuya Immune Support' uses the artificial sweeteners acesulfame K and sucralose.

'This product contains L-92 lactic acid bacteria, which have been reported to aid in the movement of pDC (plasmacytoid dendritic cells) and help maintain immune function in healthy people.'

The cap has three arrows.

Lactic acid bacteria settled at the bottom.
When poured into a glass, the liquid is a light, cloudy white. When you drink it, the sweetness is not as strong as Mitsuya Cider. As the label says, 'yogurt flavored' rather than 'yogurt flavored,' it has a fluffy yogurt-like taste, but it doesn't have the sourness of yogurt. The carbonation is small enough to be reminiscent of light carbonation, and although it fizzes on the surface of the tongue, it doesn't reach the throat. Overall, I got the impression that it was a fluffy drink without any sharp edges.

The suggested retail price of 'Mitsuya Immune Support' is 170 yen excluding tax. Amazon.co.jp sold 24 bottles for 3152 yen including tax (131 yen per bottle).

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