Japanese AI company Sakana AI has released 'AI Scientist,' a service that not only conducts experiments and writes papers but also reviews them all by AI

Sakana AI, a Tokyo-based AI company, has announced that in collaboration with the University of Oxford and the University of British Columbia, it has developed ' AI Scientist ,' a technology that uses large-scale language models (LLMs) to automate the research and development process itself.

[2408.06292] The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery


'AI Scientist': Towards an era where AI can conduct its own research

GitHub - SakanaAI/AI-Scientist: The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery ????‍????

AI Scientist is a new AI system that automatically executes the cycle of scientific research, including generating ideas, conducting experiments and summarizing the results, and writing and peer-reviewing papers.

The AI scientists begin by 'brainstorming' research directions, then provide 'templates' of existing topics they want to explore, allowing them to freely explore research directions. At the same time, they search academic literature to see if the ideas they brainstormed about already exist.

Given an idea and a template, you will perform the proposed experiment, obtain and create plots that visualize the results, and prepare the information needed to write your paper, including saved figures and lab notes.

It then writes a paper in standard machine learning conference style, searching the academic literature and autonomously finding relevant papers to cite.

Another major feature of AI scientists is the existence of 'automated reviewers using LLMs' that can peer-review and evaluate the generated papers with human-like accuracy. In other words, in addition to the LLMs that write the papers, the LLMs that act as peer reviewers critique the generated manuscripts and provide feedback to improve the research.

'After every major breakthrough in AI, AI researchers have joked that all we need to do is figure out how to get AI to write papers,' said Sakana AI. 'Our research shows that what was once a joke is now a reality.'

You can read the papers actually written by AI scientists below. According to Sakana AI, the cost of writing a paper by an AI scientist was about $15 (about 2,200 yen) per paper.

(PDF file) https://sakana.ai/assets/ai-scientist/adaptive_dual_scale_denoising.pdf

Sakana AI commented, 'There has been a shortage of human resources involved in AI research in Japan. Utilizing AI scientists has the potential to increase productivity hundreds of times with the same number of personnel. We are convinced that the birth of AI scientists will strengthen the competitiveness of Japan's AI research, which has been criticized for its talent shortage. Sakana AI hopes to contribute to the promotion of research and development in Japan by promoting the spread of AI scientists.'

The AI scientists' source code has been open sourced and published on GitHub.

GitHub - SakanaAI/AI-Scientist: The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery 🧑‍🔬

in Software,   Science, Posted by log1i_yk