'Gas Shop!!' To celebrate the release of the comic, we hijacked the GIGAZINE logo! & Here's the making of it

The full-color manga '
Amazon.co.jp: Gas Shop!! (GIGAZINE) E-book: Mainichi Nichimae, GIGAZINE: Kindle Store

Below is the top page of GIGAZINE. For a certain period after the release of the 'Gas Shop!!' comic, the 'GIGAZINE' logo in the upper left corner has changed.
When you open a specific article, the logo also appears in the top left corner, but here too the logo has been hijacked.

When you hover your mouse over the 'Gigaz' part of the jacked logo, it will say 'GIGAZINE Home.' Clicking here will take you to the GIGAZINE top news list.

On the other hand, if you hover your mouse over the 'iNE!' area on the right, the message changes to 'The 'Gas Company!!' comic has been released.'
Clicking on the right side will take you to the comic's details page.

The logo used looks like this. The main character, Kiyu, appears above the 'E' in the GIGAZINE logo, and the '!' in the title logo of 'Gas Shop!' is added to the right side of the logo. The stage of the work is a gas shop called 'Hoshimi Seikatsu Equipment', so it is an '!' with a star on it.

The Kiyuu illustration is taken from the poster-style front cover of episode 10.

Below is another proposal from the production stage. As with the adopted proposal, Kiyu is pointing at the logo using a mini character drawn on the poster-style front cover. However, the display ratio of the logo is fixed, and if the logo is too long due to the logo jack, the whole logo will look small, so we changed the proposal to place the character above the text instead of to the side.

Another alternative idea is the scene at the beginning of episode 1, where Kiyu visits a customer's house for the first time. It fits the situation perfectly, but this logo also ends up stretching out horizontally. Also, in the manga, there is no sense of incongruity with the half of the body being cut off by the frame lines, but when the character was taken out and combined with the logo, it looked a little strange, so we chose a mini character that is easier to combine with the logo.

In the past, they have also used logojacking on other manga. Below is an example from '

'Ameame Fure Fure Usoyande' is a work with the theme of 'rain man', and since it rains most of the time, there was also the following idea to make it rain in the GIGAZINE logo.

Also, below is a logo jack for '

The full-color comic 'Gas Shop Desu!!' is available exclusively on Amazon Kindle. You can order the paperback version, and if you're a Kindle Unlimited member, you can download the e-book version for free at any time, so whether you've been reading the serialization or are just discovering the work for the first time, be sure to pick it up!
Amazon.co.jp: Gas Shop!! (GIGAZINE) E-book: Mainichi Nichimae, GIGAZINE: Kindle Store

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in Manga, Posted by log1e_dh