What is 'Outline RTA'? It is a method to complete the framework as quickly as possible and then write sentences and code at lightning speed.

Learn How To Learn, a blog with the concept of learning how to learn, explained 'outline speedrunning,' a method of creating the skeleton of a project as quickly as possible and then fleshing out the necessary content.

How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly - Learn How To Learn


According to dnbt777, an administrator of Learn How To Learn, Outline RTA makes it possible to create content 10 times faster than the 'read bar method,' which involves completing sentences and codes in order from the beginning.

The steps for outline RTA are as follows:
1) Create an outline of your project.
2. Create an outline within each item within the outline, repeating until the items are small enough.
3. Fill your outline fast: Write in each entry as quickly as you can.
4. Once you've finished, go back to the beginning and make it perfect.

The key points in this outline RTA are to repeatedly break down the outline into smaller parts, to write the outline as quickly as possible, and not to pursue perfection until you have finished creating the outline.

dnbt777 likens a project outline to the foundation of a building. Without a solid foundation, any great building is a house of cards, and 'the foundation of execution is the plan, and the foundation of planning is the outline,' he argues.

Below is a comparison of the traditional reading bar method (top) and outline RTA (bottom) for creating text. In the style of creating perfection from scratch, you would be particular about centering the title and adjusting the font, but in the meantime, the basic structure of the article is mostly completed in outline RTA.

dnbt777, who wrote sentences in order from the beginning until he was 20 years old, said he was not good at writing compositions because it took so much time, but after learning outline RTA, he started to like writing.

Outline RTA is also effective for programming: To do so, first clearly define the purpose of the program, then divide it into parts grouped by functionality, and repeat the process for each part, implementing the components from the lowest level up.

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks