Attention is focused on the voice of an open source project that has received too much donations and is saying, 'We don't need any more, so please support the developers of the client application.'

Jellyfin , an open source software media system, is soliciting donations from users on the Open Collective , a funding site. However, on June 6, 2024, Jellyfin developer Joshua Boniface published a message saying, 'Jellyfin's budget is already enough, so please donate to the developers of the client app.'

We're good, seriously

We're good, seriously! - Open Collective

Jellyfin is a free media server that can manage and stream various media such as music and videos. By uploading movies and music to the server, you can stream this content on devices such as PCs and smartphones. Jellyfin is developed as open source, and the source code is available on GitHub.

GitHub - jellyfin/jellyfin: The Free Software Media System

Jellyfin is accepting donations from users through Open Collective, and said it will use the donations for purposes such as 'creating an extensive repository network for distributing software and other

things ,' 'creating a self-hosted forum, translation system, and feature request system,' and 'procuring hardware for the development team.'

The Jellyfin project has become popular, with 1,397 users donating $40,653 at the time of writing.

In response to this situation, project leader Boniface said, 'We have received a significant amount of donations so far, and we are very grateful that many users in the Jellyfin community have contributed. However, we would like to ask you to stop making any more donations. ' He explained the reason for this, saying, 'Although Jellyfin has a balance of over $24,000 (approximately 3.75 million yen), we only need $600 (approximately 93,000 yen) per month to operate Jellyfin. By simple calculation, we can operate Jellyfin for more than 40 months with just the account balance, and there is still plenty of funds left.'

Boniface added, 'Instead of donating to Jellyfin, we would ask everyone to seriously consider donating to client app developers. Client support is the hardest part of the Jellyfin ecosystem to maintain, and many clients are run by one person or a very small team. So if there is a client that you use and love every day, please consider finding the developer usingJellyfin's official client list and donating directly to them.'

According to Boniface, donations to developers do not violate the policy of 'not developing for profit.' He also declared that the donations collected will not be used for development for profit.

Boniface said he will call for donations again when Jellyfin's operating funds fall below 12 months' worth.

in Software, Posted by log1r_ut