'GitHub Sponsors' for crowdfunding with GitHub starts

GitHub Sponsors · GitHub
GitHub launchers Sponsors, lets you pay your favorite open-source contributors | TechCrunch
Until now, when developers fund open source projects on GitHub, they have used external crowdfunding platforms such as Patreon and Tidelift . With this 'GitHub Sponsors', developers can set up a 'Sponsor me' button on their GitHub repository page, enabling them to raise funds seamlessly as well as version control and code release on GitHub.

If you have an account on GitHub, everyone can be a sponsor. If you become a sponsor by selecting one of several investment courses with different benefits and monthly investment amounts, you will soon be able to get the alpha version of the update information and software, and receive various benefits as deliverables. about. Of course, you can also contribute more deeply to a project by purely supporting it without expectation of return and supporting its development.

Also noteworthy points of GitHub Sponsors are that not only developers who write code and create software directly, but also designers and people who contribute to the project, such as document creation and project coordination, can raise funds. is.
Actually, GitHub Sponsors has a field for entering how to participate in the project on the registration screen, but in addition to the code development in the field, 'advice', 'design', 'business development', 'sorting of problems', 'community' There are various entry examples such as management, 'document creation', 'content management', 'translation', 'talk', 'penetration test', 'bug report' and 'functional request'. In other words, it is assumed that funding is as diverse as possible.

GitHub Sponsors is a beta version at the time of writing, but it has been accepted for registration, and it can be used free of charge for one year from the start of use.

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in Software, Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks