Here are the top 10 best-selling GIGAZINE articles on Amazon for May 2024!


Austrian National Library

The top image is of the Austrian National Library in the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, the capital of Austria.

The Hofburg Palace was built in the late 13th century as the palace of the Duchy of Austria, and later became the royal palace of the Holy Roman Empire . In 1722, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI authorized the construction of a permanent imperial library within the Hofburg Palace, and as of the 18th century, it boasted a collection of approximately 200,000 books. In 1918, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was defeated in World War I and dissolved, so in 1920 the name was changed to the current 'Austrian National Library,' which it remains to this day.

by Austrian National Library

GIGAZINE releases various manga, books, and articles as e-books not only on its website but also on Amazon's Kindle store. All e-books are eligible for Kindle Unlimited , so Kindle Unlimited users can read them for free. This time, we have created a ranking of books that digitize GIGAZINE articles to see 'What is the most read article published in December 2023?'

◆1st place: Standard Ebooks, an overseas version of Aozora Bunko, where you can read classic masterpieces from Holmes to Aristotle for free

◆ No. 2: Here's what happens when you analyze a famous movie scene from an architect's perspective

◆3rd place: A data visualization professional explains how to choose 'colors that are easy for humans to distinguish intuitively' in design

#4: 10 books that messed up the world but should never have been written

◆5th place: What is the mindset to develop 'mental toughness' and become an elite?

#6: If you want to write horror, learn from Shakespeare

◆7th place: 'How to read a book' - a collection of tips on how to get the most information from a book in a limited amount of time

◆8th place: What is the technique of “comic relief” that adds persuasiveness to a story by inserting comedy into serious scenes?

◆9th place: Why do people suffering from schizophrenia or drug addiction find it difficult to make 'right decisions'?

◆10th place: 5 best books for understanding 'financial crime'

In May 2024, articles introducing ' Standard Ebooks ,' a service that allows you to read a wide range of classics for free, from the ' Sherlock Holmes ' series to ' Nicomus Ethics, ' an article introducing the top 10 books that have had a negative impact on the world , and an article analyzing famous movie scenes from an architect's perspective were popular. Also popular were self-help articles summarizing how to train mental fullness and creative techniques such as 'comic relief,' which stirs up the audience's emotions by deliberately adding comical elements to serious scenes.

In addition, as part of the Amazon connection, the editorial department's Amazon wish list is also published, so if you would like to physically support the activities of the GIGAZINE editorial department, please do so below!

GIGAZINE editorial department's wish list

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