'ShareTextures' allows you to download high-quality CC0 3D models and textures for free

ShareTextures , a website created by photographers and asset creators, distributes 3D models and textures created from actual photographs and royalty-free photographs. All content is

CC0 licensed, so you can freely download and use it for both personal and commercial purposes.

CC0 Textures & Models | Share Textures

As you scroll through the site, you can see an explanation of ShareTextures. ShareTextures has three categories: Atlases (natural materials that combine multiple textures into one), Textures, and Models (3D models). Atlases includes 37 types of materials at the time of writing, including wood, stone, and shells.

There are 1,502 textures to choose from.

In addition, there are 197 types of 3D models, including food, chairs, buildings, and interiors. New materials in each category are added daily.

To check the materials in detail, click 'Textures' from the menu at the top of the site.

The texture is displayed in the form of a processed 3D model like a tennis ball. When you hover your mouse over the ball, the texture name 'Wood Parquet 96' and the date the material was added '8 days ago' are displayed.

You can also search for textures by category by clicking on 'Categories' on the left to display a pull-down menu. There is a wide variety of textures, including wood, metal, floors, and tiles.

You can also access atlased materials by clicking 'Atlases' from the 'Type' pull-down menu. Atlased means that multiple textures are combined into one, and ShareTextures allows you to download atlased natural materials such as wood, stone, and leaves.

By clicking on 'Models' from the 'Type' pull-down menu or the top menu, you can freely download and use approximately 200 types of 3D models.

Click 'Banana1' from the 3D models.

The individual material page looks like this. The panel displayed under the banana model shows the texture used in the 3D model. You can also download just this texture.


Blender under the name of the 3D model to select the file format to download from the pull-down menu. There are four options available: Blender, FBX, 4K Textures (download only the textures used in the 3D model), and Google Drive (download all the above files from Google Drive).

Once you have selected the file format you want to download, click 'Download'.

ShareTextures allows you to download 3D models and textures for free with no limit on the number of copies, and all materials are CC0 licensed, so you can use them freely. In addition, by subscribing to a paid

Patreon account , you can support the site and receive benefits such as bulk downloads of materials and early access to new materials depending on the plan.

in Web Service, Posted by log1e_dh