Ukrainian military uses thousands of acoustic sensors to track Russian drones

In Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, drones are being actively used to attack the Russian military. In response to drone attacks, Ukraine is reportedly using thousands of acoustic sensors to detect and track drones.

Ukraine Using Thousands Of Networked Microphones To Track Russian Drones

Gen. James Hecker, head of NATO's Combined Air Forces Command, said at a press conference on Ukraine's acoustic sensor network and related air and missile defense issues that ``Ukraine has intelligence and surveillance capabilities for ``low-altitude flying objects,'' including drones.'' , has deployed an acoustic sensor system that utilizes microphones designed to pick up and amplify surrounding noise for reconnaissance.'

According to Mr. Hecker, the acoustic sensors that Ukraine has introduced, about 6,000 of which are capable of amplifying and recording the motor sounds emitted by unmanned reconnaissance aircraft such as

the Shahed 136 deployed by the Russian military on the battlefield, can be recorded. . The recorded data is useful for calculating and monitoring the position information of unmanned aircraft.

The sound emitted by the flying Shahed 136 is like this.

The Ukrainian military uses acoustic sensors to transmit data collected by drones to soldiers on the front lines and shoot them down with anti-aircraft guns. It is said that the skills to handle these systems can be acquired in as little as 6 hours.

According to foreign media outlet The Warzone, the information from the acoustic sensors is sent to soldiers and civilians at the targeted locations via the messaging software Telegram , using Ukraine's existing drone spotting network. It seems that they are issuing a warning.

Until now, drone defense at night has only been possible with simple equipment such as night vision scopes, thermal optics, laser pointers, and searchlights.

Systems that detect incoming aircraft based on their acoustic signature were widely used by militaries around the world before World War II. However, due to the widespread use of radar, this system was almost no longer used.

However, in recent years, weapons that are difficult to detect by radar have been introduced, such as small, low-flying drones and cruise missiles, as well as high-rise stealth manned and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and missiles. Therefore, there was an urgent need to find solutions to defend against attacks by drones, cruise missiles, etc.

Acoustic sensors used by Ukraine can protect its military and citizens from airborne weapons threats without the need to deploy early warning and control aircraft like the E-7 . According to Hecker, Ukraine is also considering exporting acoustic sensor systems to NATO member countries.

Hecker said, ``Receiving information from acoustic sensors and attempting to shoot down an aircraft with anti-aircraft guns is extremely cost-effective, so this system will be deployed in many conflict zones in the future.'' I did.

In addition, Mr. Hecker does not reveal where the air defense system using acoustic sensors will be deployed.

in Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut