What is the 'Lie-to-children model' for explaining difficult things in an easy-to-understand manner?

No matter how easy you try to explain a complex concept such as 'What is atomic structure?', it will be difficult for the other person to understand if you explain it accurately. Therefore, there is a concept called the 'lie-to-children model,' in which children are first given an explanation that includes lies, and then learn the correct information.

Lie-to-children - Wikipedia


A guideline that explains difficult things easily. 'Lie(s)-to-children' #Python - Qiita

The concept of the lie-to-children model was introduced in a 1994 paper by scientist Jack Cohen and mathematician Ian Stewart. Cohen et al., ``Although the lie-to-children model is incorrect, it guides children to more accurate representations of their minds.By knowing the lies beforehand, we can understand them correctly later.'' ``The concept of the lie-to-children model was born out of the difficulty of reducing complex concepts in the educational process.''

Physics is where the lie-to-children model is most commonly used in education. In the beginning of physics, we learn about Bohr's atomic model , which shows the relationship between electrons and protons in the atomic nucleus. 'It revolves around the nucleus of an atom.'

However, this expression was actually incorrect, and after learning the Schrödinger equation , Bohr's atomic model revealed that ``electrons exist as a reality like planets'' and ``up to 8 electrons can orbit in the same orbit.'' When you learn something, you realize that what you were taught was a lie.

Even if you are being lied to, it will be easier for you to understand the lie than if you are suddenly taught about the Schrödinger equation when learning about Bohr's atomic model, and it will lead to further learning. This is the lie-to-children model.

The lie-to-children model is also used in various fields, and Mr. Cohen

discusses the application of the model to teach the theory of evolution in an easy-to-understand way, such as ``viewing the purpose of DNA as a ``blueprint.'' Mr. Cohen also said, ``The search for universal characteristics allows us to sketch the general shape of the evolutionary process while valuing exceptions, and to explain it in an easy-to-understand way in the form of ``lies to children.'' ” states.

However, Hamish McLeod and Jen Ross from the University of Edinburgh said: 'Lying to children sets unreasonable expectations for 'simple, unambiguous questions and equally simple answers'. This may have a negative impact on child learners.'' ( PDF file)

In addition, scientists Kirsten Walsh and Adrian Currie point out that ``When using the lie-to-children model, it is inappropriate to use myths such as ``Children are brought by storks.'' (PDF file) In her book , author Eileen Johnson says, ``Parents must later tell their children that the myths they taught them were lies. 'I'm not sure if I'm right, how far I can go into the discussion, when and how to explain.'

In addition, it has been pointed out that ``the lie-to-children model makes educators appear dishonest and undermines respect from students,'' and geophysicist Kim Castens said, ``The lie-to-children model makes educators appear dishonest and undermines respect from students.'' We need to help children understand the truth that transcends reality, and create a ``master plan'' for the learning that children who have been lied to should aim for .''

in Science, Posted by log1r_ut