It turns out that just by saying, ``Accelerate like a jet plane or Ferrari'', the speed of youth athletes increases

It turns out that just a few words can instantly speed up youth athletes, who tend to have less attention spans than adults.
How effective are external cues and analogies in enhancing sprint and jump performance in academy soccer players?: Journal of Sports Sciences: Vol 0, No 0 - Get Access

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According to a study conducted by Jason Moran of the University of Essex and his colleagues, it was found that giving athletes several types of calls can make a difference in speed.
Previous research has shown that athletes run faster when they focus on the environment rather than their own bodies. Moran and his colleagues went one step further and investigated ``what is the best way to concentrate?'' and confirmed what kind of voices the people around the athlete could say to the athlete to improve performance.
As a result, rather than 'put your leg into the ground,' he would tell you to 'push off the ground,' and he would tell you to 'accelerate like a Ferrari' and 'imagine a jet plane taking off into the sky in front of you.' It was found that the speed of the runner increases when

It is said that this feedback has improved acceleration speed by up to 3%, especially on extremely short distance sections of 20 meters. Typically, it takes weeks of training to achieve such a significant speed increase.
The subjects in this study were 20 children between the ages of 14 and 15. This research suggests that it may be more effective to give instructions that are easier for athletes to understand, such as by using simple spoken language. It is thought to be particularly effective for young athletes who have relatively low concentration, and it is expected that it can be used in school classes.
'What you say to your athletes has a clear and immediate impact on their performance,' Moran said. 'By using a simple analogy, teachers and parents can get the best out of their kids, no matter their sport. It might be possible.”

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