Microsoft and Meta are lobbying to ease Apple's strict conditions regarding ``establishing an app store other than the App Store''

In response to the EU's Digital Market Law, Apple has allowed ``establishment of app stores other than the App Store'' and ``construction of billing systems that do not go through the App Store'' within the EU. However, there are strict conditions for establishing an app store and building a unique billing system, and app developers have criticized them as ``too difficult to meet.'' It has recently been reported that Microsoft and Meta are lobbying to get Apple to ease their terms.
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To install apps on your iPhone, you need to use the app distribution service ``App Store'' managed by Apple. However, for app developers, there is a problem that ``If you sell a paid app on the App Store, you have to pay 15 to 30% of the sales to Apple as a fee.'' Many developers are calling for the ban on app distribution to be lifted.
Meanwhile, on January 25, 2024, Apple will allow 'the establishment of app stores other than the App Store' and 'the construction of billing systems that do not go through the App Store' in the EU in response to the EU's Digital Market Law. announced.
Apple allows sideloading and payments outside the App Store in the EU in response to the Digital Markets Act, but strict conditions and new fees will be added - GIGAZINE

However, Apple has also announced that it will require a Core Technology Fee (CTF) from developers who distribute apps using their own app store. Developers of free apps are also obligated to pay the CTF, and ``If a free app has 2 million installs per year, they will need to pay Apple an annual fee of $500,000 (approximately 75 million yen).'' There are also calculation results. Please note that there is no obligation to pay CTF when distributing an app on the App Store.
Apple's ``core technology fee'' of approximately 80 yen per install for iOS apps could bankrupt developers of free and freemium apps - GIGAZINE

Some have pointed out that the conditions Apple has imposed on its own app store force developers to continue using the App Store, and music streaming service Spotify has said, 'The rules have been set in a way that completely negates the goals of the Digital Markets Act.' In addition, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said , ``Apple's response is completely different from the intent of the EU regulations,'' and Sarah Bond, president of Microsoft's gaming division, said, ``Apple has created a 'The new policy is a step in the wrong direction. We listen to feedback on Apple's proposed plan and hope that we can work toward a more inclusive future for everyone.' Tech companies are also criticizing Apple.
Microsoft executive criticizes ``Apple's new policy on alternative app stores is a step in the wrong direction'' - GIGAZINE

According to new information obtained by the Financial Times, Microsoft and Meta are lobbying in Brussels, where the EU's headquarters are located, in order to extract a proposal to ease conditions from Apple. Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft's gaming division, said, ``The conditions that Apple has presented are extremely prohibitive for building a game store to replace the App Store on smartphones. 'We will continue to work with regulators to open up the market,' he said, confirming that efforts are underway to lobby regulators.
In response to a request for comment from overseas media AppleInsider, Apple said, ``Apple teams have been in discussions with the European Commission for months and have created over 600 APIs and developer tools in less than a year.'' We emphasize that the policies related to the Store have been developed in consultation with the European Commission.
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