'oneminutefocus.com' allows you to increase your concentration and motivation just by concentrating on a black circle for one minute

It has become commonplace to use PCs and tablets for study and work, but these devices have various temptations such as YouTube, I'm sure you've had quite a few experiences where you've had fun with it. Oneminutefocus.com is a tool that you can use when you want to concentrate on tasks in a world full of temptations.



Research in the fields of brain science and neuroscience has shown that when humans focus on vision, our brains are better able to focus on tasks.

According to American neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman, the human visual system is deeply tied to cognitive focus and performance, with brain circuits that release neurochemicals when visual attention is focused on a single point. is activated, increasing alertness and alertness. Conversely, when you relax your visual focus, your brain's neurochemicals decrease, making you less alert. In other words, by actively concentrating your vision on one point, your autonomic nervous system will awaken, your attention will increase, and your motivation and concentration will increase.

Oneminutefocus.com was created by applying these findings. It's easy to use, just visit oneminutefocus.com and click 'Start' in the center of the screen.

Then, a black circle like the one below will be displayed. This circle expands and contracts in size while changing its shading, so all you have to do is stare at it for one minute. After one minute, your concentration should have increased.

The following video is a video of how I actually used it.

``oneminutefocus.com'' that allows you to increase concentration and motivation just by staring at a black circle for 1 minute - YouTube

The author of oneminutefocus.com is Junu Yang, a designer and engineer who is developing tools such as `` Squad '' to help maintain motivation. 'I created a simple tool that allows you to focus and meditate by staring at a black circle for one minute,' he wrote on the social news site Hacker News .

in Web Service,   Video, Posted by logu_ii