Samsung is developing a needle-free blood sugar level measurement function and blood pressure constant measurement function & it turns out that the ring-shaped device ``Galaxy Ring'' will be released in 2024

In addition to developing the Galaxy Watch series of smart watches equipped with heart rate measurement and sleep tracking functions, Samsung is also developing a ring-shaped device called the Galaxy Ring . It has become clear that Samsung is developing a non-invasive blood sugar level measurement function that does not use needles and a constant blood pressure measurement function.

Samsung Races Apple on No-Prick Glucose, Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices - Bloomberg

Major technology companies such as Apple, Google, and Samsung are developing smart watches with heart rate measurement functions and sleep tracking functions, and are competing not only in smartphones but also in the healthcare field. Samsung has developed not only smart watches but also ring-shaped devices, and in 2023, a trademark for a ring-shaped device called ``Samsung Galaxy Ring'' was filed.

Samsung is developing a ring-shaped device that can receive notifications and measure blood pressure, or has already applied for trademarks for 'Samsung Galaxy Ring' and 'Galaxy Pulse' - GIGAZINE

Samsung officially announced that it is developing the 'Galaxy Ring' at a new product announcement event held on January 18, 2024. Although detailed features of the Galaxy Ring were not announced, it is believed that the Galaxy Ring is equipped with some kind of health care function, as a sensor-like component was seen in the released video.

Samsung reveals that it is developing a smart ring 'Galaxy Ring' - GIGAZINE

In an interview conducted by foreign media outlet Bloomberg, Hong Park, a new senior healthcare executive at Samsung, talked about ``a non-invasive blood sugar measurement function that does not use needles'' and ``continuously measuring blood pressure.'' He revealed that he is currently working on developing a new feature. 'If we can constantly monitor blood sugar levels and blood pressure, we are entering a completely different stage,' Park said. 'Everyone is trying to get there, and we are investing heavily.' He also revealed that he is investing a large amount of money to develop blood sugar and blood pressure measurement functions.

Park also revealed that Galaxy Ring is scheduled to be released in 2024. On the other hand, regarding the blood sugar level and blood pressure measurement functions, he only stated, ``We hope that they will be introduced to the market within five years,'' but declined to discuss the specific timing of their release.

Furthermore, Mr. Park also revealed that he is developing ``earphones equipped with blood pressure and body temperature measurement functions.'' In the future, Samsung is aiming to integrate data measured by earphones and smart watches to more accurately understand health conditions.

in Hardware, Posted by log1o_hf