Research results show that regular exercise habits are associated with an increase in the volume of brain areas responsible for memory and learning

Exercising on a daily basis is known to have various benefits for the mind and body. A new study using

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brains of more than 10,000 people found that people who regularly engaged in physical activity, such as walking, had larger brain volumes in key areas. I understand.

Exercise-Related Physical Activity Related to Brain Volumes in 10,125 Individuals - IOS Press

New Study Shows Exercise Can Boost Brain Health | IOS Press

Regular Exercise Is Linked to Larger Brain Volume in Memory And Learning Regions : ScienceAlert

A research team from Washington University in St. Louis and the Pacific Neuroscience Institute Brain Health Center analyzed brain scan data from 10,125 people taken by the imaging center of Prenuvo , a company that provides whole-body MRI scans.

The results showed that people who regularly engaged in some form of physical activity, such as walking, running, or playing sports, had larger brain volumes in certain areas. Areas that had larger volumes in people who exercised included the frontal lobe , which is related to human decision-making, and the hippocampus , which is important for memory storage and processing.

Although a large brain volume does not directly indicate high cognitive function, changes in brain volume are used as an indicator of changes in cognitive ability. 'Our study supports previous research showing that physical activity is good for the brain. Exercise lowers the risk of dementia. 'But it also helps maintain important brain size, which is important as we age.'

Also, the exercise needed to increase brain volume didn't have to be extremely strenuous or long. 'We found that even moderate exercise, less than 4,000 steps a day, can have positive effects on brain health,' said study co-author David Merrill , a neuroscientist at the Brain Health Center at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute. 'This is far fewer than the often recommended 10,000 steps per day and is an achievable goal for many people.'

The mechanism by which regular exercise increases brain volume is unknown, but one hypothesis is that ``exercise improves blood flow in the body, including the brain, and increases the concentration of proteins that keep nerve cells healthy.'' It is said that it is mentioned.

As humans age, the likelihood of developing neurodegenerative diseases increases, but larger brain volume may slow the decline in cognitive abilities associated with diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, a study has reported that ``a combination of muscle training and aerobic exercise improves cognitive ability in elderly people aged 85 and older.''

Combination of muscle training and aerobic exercise may improve cognitive ability in elderly people over 85 years old - GIGAZINE

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik