How many hours a week should I exercise to prevent the risk of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, which is also a lifestyle-related disease, is a serious condition that can cause heart attacks and strokes, but a 2015 WHO study found that one in five women and one in men It is a lifestyle-related disease that affects 1 in 4 people. Jason Nagata of the University of California investigated how much exercise should be done a week to control such high blood pressure.

Physical Activity and Hypertension From Young Adulthood to Middle Age --American Journal of Preventive Medicine (21) 00077-5 / fulltext

Here's How Much Exercise Works Best For Keeping Your Blood Pressure in Check

Conducted for over 30 years from 1985 with the support of the National Institutes of Health, CARDIA is a follow-up survey of 5,115 adults in the United States over 30 years of their health status. The subjects answered the exercise status, health status, occupation, etc. for one year for 30 years. Based on the data collected by CARDIA, Nagata analyzed the frequency of exercise required to control high blood pressure.

Analysis of CARDIA's information by Nagata reveals that the subject's momentum declines between the ages of 18 and 40, and then increases blood pressure over the next few decades.

When we investigated the relationship between blood pressure and physical activity, we found that people who exercised moderately for 5 hours a week from around the age of 18 had a significantly reduced risk of high blood pressure. In particular, those who continued habitual exercise until the age of 60 had a significantly reduced risk of hypertension. 'At the age of 18, many people finish secondary education and have less opportunity to exercise, so it's a good time to start working out to prevent high blood pressure,' says Nagata.

In addition, the time of '5 hours a week' is twice the number of the guideline of '2.5 hours a week' widely advocated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and Mr. Nagata said, 'To prevent the onset of hypertension. , It may be better to have longer exercise time. '

in Science, Posted by log1p_kr