Sony announces XR headset equipped with 4K organic EL, professional XR content production system scheduled to be released in the second half of 2024


CES 2024, one of the world's largest technology exhibitions being held in Las Vegas, USA from January 9, 2024, Sony announced an XR headset and dedicated controller for professionals who can create XR content. According to Sony, the release date is scheduled for the second half of 2024, and the release date, price, and specifications are yet to be determined.

Sony Corporation - Sony Corporation Announces Development of Spatial Content Creation System, Equipped with High-Quality XR Head-Mounted Display and Controllers Dedicated to Interaction with 3D Objects

Sony teased a 'spatial' VR headset with a smart control ring - The Verge

Sony announces a 'spatial content creation' headset at CES 2024

The XR head-mounted display announced by Sony at CES 2024 is equipped with a 1.3-inch 4K organic EL microdisplay and the next-generation XR chip ' Snapdragon It has a pass-through function.

The front part of the headset can be flipped up, allowing you to easily and seamlessly move between real and virtual space.

The head-mounted display supports 'split rendering,' which distributes the rendering load between the PC and the head-mounted display, allowing 3D models with large data sizes to be drawn stably and in high definition.

Additionally, by using a ring controller that looks like a ring, you can intuitively manipulate objects in virtual space.

Furthermore, by having a 'pointing controller' on the dominant hand side, accurate pointing is also possible.

Kenichiro Yoshida, CEO of Sony, said, ``This new system is primarily designed for professionals who work with 3D, and allows users to intuitively expand their creative space by superimposing virtual objects on the real space visible through the pass-through function.'' 'Using our unique rendering technology, we can realistically render the textures of 3D objects and the facial expressions of human characters in high resolution and in real time.'

According to Sony, this device is scheduled to be compatible with a variety of third-party 3D production software, including entertainment genres and industrial design, and can be used to create 3DCG and video using 3D.

These XR content production systems are scheduled to be released in the second half of 2024. At the time of article creation, Sony has not disclosed details such as price, specifications, release date, etc.

in Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut