``The performance of quantum computers is exaggerated and practical application is still far away,'' experts point out.

Quantum computers , which are thought to be able to perform complex calculations faster than normal computers by using the laws of quantum mechanics, are being researched and developed by various companies such as Microsoft and Intel . However, some experts point out that the realization of quantum computers may be even further in the future than many people think.

Quantum Computing's Hard, Cold Reality Check - IEEE Spectrum

Quantum computers are thought to be able to perform processes that are impossible with conventional computers by utilizing properties such as '

superposition ' and ' quantum entanglement ' found in the world of elementary particles. Quantum computers are used in financial modeling and logistics . It is attracting attention as a solution to various real-world problems, such as optimizing systems and accelerating machine learning .

Some companies developing quantum computers, such as IBM, have suggested that quantum computers will impact real-world problems in just a few years. However, some experts report that they view quantum computing technology as unrealistic.


IBM Research

``Although it's a fascinating scientific topic, I'm not convinced that it's possible to actually build a useful quantum computer,'' said Yan Rukun, head of AI research at Meta, about quantum computing technology. I'm talking .

Oscar Painter, Head of Quantum Hardware at Amazon Web Services (AWS), said, ``There's a tremendous amount of hype around the quantum computing industry right now. It's becoming difficult to sort out what is real and what is unrealistic.'

The fundamental problem with today's quantum computers is that they are prone to errors. Many of the quantum computers currently being developed are ``medium-sized quantum computers that are noisy but will be developed within a few years to several decades'' ( NISQ ), and some experts believe that ``errors may occur.'' However, it can be used for a number of useful functions.' On the other hand, Mr. Painter believes that ``that possibility is low,'' and speculates that ``the ability to properly handle errors will be the key to realizing a practical quantum computer.''

Furthermore, Painter said, ``Many technical issues remain in order to realize large-scale quantum computers equipped with thousands of qubits, so it is difficult to set a timeline for development. However, we estimate that development will take at least 10 years.'


IBM Research

The issues surrounding quantum computers are not only time-related, but also performance-related. Matthias Troyer, head of Microsoft's quantum computing division, suggested that the number of applications for which quantum computers can provide useful results is more limited than many think.

Troyer said some of the applications that quantum computing technology is expected to make exponentially faster than traditional computers include ' factoring large numbers ' and 'simulations in areas such as drug design and fluid mechanics.' It is said that there is. However, speeding up these applications is not always successful, and sometimes traditional computers can be faster.

According to Troyer, since quantum computers perform many complex calculations, the operation of qubits becomes complicated and may be slower than the ``switching of transistors'' performed by conventional computers. In fact, Mr. Troyer conducted a logical experiment to compare the performance of a computer using `` NVIDIA A100 '' and a quantum computer equipped with 10,000 qubits. As a result, it became clear that in order for quantum computers to exceed the performance of conventional computers, it would be necessary to conduct research on a scale of hundreds or even thousands of years.

Mr. Troyer points out, ``Quantum computers only demonstrate their true value in small-scale data problems that are exponentially faster. Current quantum computers are not practical.''

Yuval Borger, chief marketing officer of the startup QuEra , said that while he is proud of the company's research into qubits , ``some companies are shifting resources from quantum computing research to AI research.'' ”. ``Although the hype around quantum computing has succeeded in attracting talented people to the field, there is a sense of disappointment as it turns out that it is currently difficult for quantum computers to solve many of the world's problems.'' 'It would have driven me away from research in this field.'

On the other hand, Philipp Harbach, Group Global Head of Digital Innovation at German pharmaceutical giant Merck KGaA, said, ``Quantum computers can solve problems that traditional computers cannot. 'However, in reality, quantum computers will be used to speed up existing processes, rather than breaking new ground.'

Mr. Troyer explained that his reason for spreading skepticism about quantum computing is, ``The purpose is not to dilute interest in this field, but to encourage researchers to focus their development resources on the most promising applications in quantum computing.'' It's for the sake of it,' he said.

in Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut