Telecommunications authorities approve test of using artificial satellite internet 'Starlink' with unmodified smartphone, operate 840 satellites to transfer data

On December 14, 2023, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States permitted testing of SpaceX's ``cellular Starlink system''. SpaceX will operate 840 satellites in the test, transmitting data to unmodified smartphones at more than 20 locations across the United States.

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FCC Clears SpaceX to Test Cellular Starlink on Phones | PCMag

The FCC has granted SpaceX an experimental Special Preliminary Authorization (STA) that will allow the company to test data transfer to unmodified T-Mobile terminals on the ground for 180 days, until June 14, 2024. You can do. The radio wave bands used for the experiment are 1910 to 1915 MHz and 1990 to 1995 MHz.

The FCC initially only partially approved SpaceX's deployment of the Cellular Starlink System, and SpaceX was only able to conduct a short test to ensure that the satellite's antenna worked. The approval will allow SpaceX to begin launching satellites equipped with technology for cellular connectivity.

According to SpaceX, the test will ultimately involve 840 satellites each acting as a cell tower in orbit and providing connectivity services to 2,000 test devices on the ground. Initially, testing was scheduled to take place at 13 locations, but we subsequently applied to the FCC to add 12 additional 'radio astronomy sites.'

Test locations include Mountain View, California, Kansas City, Kansas, Redmond, Washington, and Dallas, Texas, and approximately 60 of the 840 satellite payloads will actually provide service to terminals.

Telecommunications companies such as AT&T, Dish Network, and Globalstar have expressed concerns that Starlink's communications system could disrupt their services.

Meanwhile, SpaceX has countered that its ``cellular Starlink system'' will benefit American consumers and will not cause interference with other companies' services, and this test will focus on verifying this point. It will be.

The filing states that if such harmful interference occurs under the authorization granted, SpaceX must notify SpaceX of such interference and immediately cease operating its systems.

SpaceX plans to launch a cellular Starlink system for T-Mobile and other partners in 2024, with voice and data communications beginning in 2025.

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