Psychedelic video 'Aurora Tone' said to have helped World War II veterans overcome PTSD

There is a film called ``Aurora Tone'' that was first released in 1940 and was later shown in theaters in the United States and Canada. Primatologist Ayun Halliday explained about Aurora Tone, which combines psychedelic images and relaxing music and is said to have a therapeutic effect on patients with mental illness.

Watch an Auroratone, a Psychedelic 1940s Film, Featuring Bing Crosby, That Helped WWII Vets Overcome PTSD & Other Mental Health Conditions | Open Culture

INCITE » God Must Have Painted Those Pictures: Illuminating Auroratone's Lost History, by Walter Forsberg

Auroratone is a film developed by psychologist Cecil Stokes and produced by a Hollywood company called Auroratone Foundation of America. Fifteen types of videos have been created, and one of the existing videos has been uploaded to YouTube.

The patterns shown in the video were created using crystallizing chemicals and polarized light, and the music used was the song ``When The Organ Played 'Oh Promise Me', released in 1937.

1940s AURORATONE (Restored!) featuring Bing Crosby - YouTube

During crystal formation, the sound waves of the recorded melody were focused on a glass slide and used as a trigger for crystal formation. As a result, the crystal changes shape under the influence of sound waves, resulting in an image where the background changes according to the music.

In August 1945, the film was provided to researchers Herbert E. Rubin and Elias Katz at Kreil General Hospital in Ohio for use in treating mentally ill patients, especially war veterans. I did.

According to Rubin and Katz's research, Auroratone produced therapeutic effects such as ``deep relaxation'' and ``emotional release'' on patients, with some patients even crying after viewing the film.

In addition to military personnel suffering from PTSD, patients diagnosed with mental disorders, juvenile offenders, people suffering from chronic migraines, and children with developmental disabilities have also benefited from Auroratone.

Meanwhile, the film was shown to the general public and was advertised as the 'closest thing to the Northern Lights,' with some reportedly enjoying the footage at a department store. Auroratone also caught the attention of Christian leaders who were looking for something new and interesting, and it was even shown in churches.

However, it was not well received as a work of art, with art experts saying, ``In art, there are only laws that have been considered, and coincidences (like the aurora tones) cannot be considered,'' and ``It was used as a means to stimulate human emotions.'' 'I am not impressed with the Auroratone Foundation of America's attempt to gain support through the use of abstract art.'

in Video,   Movie, Posted by log1p_kr