A customer review that is too fierce has appeared and become a hot topic after conducting a non-destructive test on Amazon's No. 1 best-selling product and revealing that it is a ``fraudulent product that differs from the description''

On Amazon, the ``best selling products'' in each product category are tagged as

best sellers , which increases purchase intent. Customer reviews have revealed that this best-selling product is a fraudulent product that differs from the product name and description.

The product in question is an ultrasonic cleaner manufactured by Grace NNVG, which is the number one best seller in Amazon's ultrasonic cleaner category . On the Amazon sales page, it says, 'More than 3,000 items have been purchased in the past month,' and the customer reviews, which have been posted over 37,500 times, are highly rated at 4.6 stars.

The customer reviews on the product sales page are full of reviews praising products with 5-star ratings, and reviews with low ratings are not displayed. However, you can check the negative reviews by clicking on the '1 star' customer review.

The following reviews are displayed at the top of the 1-star reviews. The review was posted by

Mr. Saikichi Yamada of Daibutsuya , and the title is succinct and easy to understand the content of the review: ``It's not an ultrasonic cleaner.'' According to Mr. Yamada, since the product was all made of plastic, they conducted a non-destructive test before using it, and found that it contained only a battery and a motor with a non-balancer attached, and that they had to undergo ultrasonic cleaning using an ultrasonic vibrator. It turns out it wasn't a plane. In addition, 1227 users clicked the 'helpful' button for this review.

Scanned image posted by Mr. Yamada in customer review

This post has become a hot topic on X (old Twitter).

It has also been pointed out that 1-star customer reviews have been removed from the review section.

Because a product with such high ratings was a fraudulent product, it was pointed out that ``the reviews of those who were deceived could unknowingly deceive the next purchaser.''

It has been pointed out that it is impossible to use an ultrasonic cleaner on plastic materials in the first place.

It was pointed out that it was a high frequency cleaning machine, not an ultrasonic cleaning machine.

In addition, there are cases where this type of product suddenly switches to a sales page for another product one day, and other experiences other than ultrasonic cleaners include customers who have been helped by customer reviews and have been saved from purchasing fraudulent products. We have received many stories.

A fierce person appears who non-destructively tests the #1 best-selling product on Amazon and reviews it saying ``This is different from the product name'' - Togetter

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii