Windows 11 23H2 reports slow PC performance, Microsoft offers a solution

Some users who updated to Windows 11 version 23H2 , released by Microsoft on October 31, 2023 local time, have been reporting that their PC performance has significantly decreased.
Windows 11 23H2 update is affecting gaming performance, but Microsoft says there's a workaround | TechSpot

Windows 11 23H2 upgrade causing performance loss and trusty Microsoft Defender may be why - Neowin
Mr. BNSoul, who updated the version of Windows 11 from 22H2 to 23H2, reported on the online bulletin board Reddit, ``Since updating from 22H2 to Windows 11 23H2, CPU performance has decreased significantly.'' According to BNSoul, as a result of CPU benchmark tests on each version, 23H2 was found to have a performance decline of about 5 to 8% in both single thread and multi thread compared to 22H2.
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Ananth Acharya, who also updated to 23H2, reported issues when playing Forza Horizon 5 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II .
According to Acharya, when playing Forza Horizon 5, the GPU usage rate, which had been high at over 90%, suddenly dropped to 20-23%, and the FPS, which had been in the 70-80 range, dropped to 10. It has fallen to ~23. Acharya also encountered a bandwidth-related error, so he moved the game data from the HDD to the SSD, but the problem persisted.
Furthermore, in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, even after updating the driver to the latest version and performing a clean install of Windows 11, a problem occurred where the game crashed due to a GPU error. Acharya said, ``This problem has been occurring right after the 23H2 update, so it is likely caused by the OS.''
BNSoul claimed that ``To resolve the performance issues that occur with 23H2, it is necessary to roll back to the previous version, 22H2.'' However, after receiving reports from users, Microsoft has announced a countermeasure. I am proposing it.
The solution steps provided by Microsoft are as follows.
1: Reset
2: Restart your PC, open the BIOS screen and enable CPU virtualization
3: Enabling memory integrity in core isolation settings from Windows Security
4: Restart your PC and the hypervisor will be running and virtualization security will be enabled

A user who executed the solution presented by Microsoft reports that ``GPU benchmarks are 3 to 5% faster than before, and CPU benchmarks are almost back to the same level as 22H2.''
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in Software, Posted by log1r_ut