A major news site claims that ``SEO has destroyed Google search and turned it into garbage'' and receives fierce opposition from Google and the SEO industry

The Verge, which was founded by the former editor-in-chief of Engadget and is ranked 4th in

the IT news site rankings compiled by the marketing company Aelieve, says, `` Search engine optimization (SEO) has significantly worsened the usefulness of search. An article was published on November 1, 2023 claiming that In response, Danny Sullivan, who is an advisor to Google's search department and was interviewed in the article, refuted this on his personal blog.

Did SEO experts ruin the internet or did Google? - The Verge

Some thoughts about The Verge article on SEO

What the Romans ever done for us aka the contribution of SEO to The Verge and other news websites - I Love SEO

The issue at issue this time was an article titled ``The people who ruined the internet'' published by journalist Amanda Chicago Lewis in The Verge.

In it, Lewis writes, ``Many people are dissatisfied with their ability to find information on the Internet. 'It's a nightmare.' Some people criticize Google, which has 90% of the online search market share, and others criticize those involved in the mysterious art of SEO.' I did.

SEO is a strategy for displaying sites and pages at the top of search results. Basically, it is a system to display high-quality pages at the top of search results based on the readability of the layout and the fact that they are frequently cited by other sites. It is often said that ``

Google search is dead '' because it often shows low-quality advertisements and promotional sites at the top of the list.

Mr. Lewis said of these SEO measures, ``This act has completely destroyed the illusion that the Internet is anything other than a place to sell things,'' and added that it has given those involved in SEO techniques ``delusions of grandeur.'' He criticized them quite harshly, calling them 'megalomaniacal jerks.'

Google's Danny Sullivan was particularly singled out. Sullivan, a former journalist and founder of the online site Search Engine Watch, which is considered a must-read about search, and who was also known as ``the person closest to being a referee in the search world'', talks about the disappointment he felt when he joined Google. , Lewis said, 'For some SEOs, it felt like the congressman who was working on gun safety legislation resigned and became a lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.'

Lewis also said that Sullivan was 'angry and defensive' when interviewed by The Verge, and that 'Sullivan is especially angry that people think Google's search results are getting worse.' , is described in a way that is almost a personal attack.

In response, Mr. Sullivan posted an article on his blog and refuted The Verge's article with the preface, ``Personal opinion, not Google's official opinion.''

For example, Lewis wrote in the article, 'Sullivan is upset that anyone thinks his time at Google was less transparent than that of his predecessor, Matt Cutts.' I wrote critically about Mr. Sullivan's preparation of numerous documents related to Google search, but Mr. Sullivan pointed out that none of the important documents were mentioned in the article and said, ``I was angry, right?'' Did you say that with an '!' at the end? Probably so. I remember emphasizing that because it was a fact. I was dissing Matt. Instead, we worked hard to build more documentation and guidance.'

Speaking from his experience as a journalist, Sullivan said, ``My complaint with reporters who ask these kinds of questions is that they're absurd. They themselves are using Google to find something.'' Yet many times I've seen well-known technology journalists say with a straight face, ``You can't find anything on Google, it's not useful.'' This makes me seem defensive. 'As a former reporter and someone who has covered search intensively, I would like to see more perspective and consideration.'

Several news sites specializing in SEO also criticized The Verge's article. One of them, ILoveSEO.net, highlighted that their traffic analysis shows that none other than The Verge gets the most traffic from searches using SEO, saying, ``Ironically, Lewis His publisher, The Verge, considers SEO to be the most important channel for traffic acquisition.'' ``A big congratulations to The Verge's SEO team.''

Search Engine Land also pointed out that Mr. Lewis confused ``Search Engine Land'' and ``Search Engine Watch,'' both of which were founded by Mr. Sullivan. It ignores all the good work that many SEOs are doing to improve search and user experience.In other words, this article is classic clickbait , and it ignores all the good work that many SEOs do to improve search and user experience. This is exactly the kind of article that is being published.''

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks