The world's largest preprint server 'arXiv' will receive approximately 1.5 billion yen in funding, which will be used for cloud migration and code modernization.


arXiv ' is the world's largest preprint server in fields such as physics, mathematics, computer science, and statistics, and plays an important role in the development of science by providing free uploads and downloads of papers. is playing. It has been reported that Cornell University , which operates arXiv, has been given a donation and grant of $ 10 million (about 1.5 billion yen) from the Simons Foundation and the National Science Foundation .

Research repository arXiv receives $10M for upgrades | Cornell Chronicle

arXiv was developed in 1991 by physicist Paul Ginsparg , then a researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory, as a server for storing preprints in the field of physics. In 2001, operations were transferred to Cornell University, and at the time of article creation, it was used by scientists around the world as a platform to quickly share the latest scientific research results, avoiding the time-consuming peer review system. .

In a statement on October 19, 2023, Cornell University said, “To support arXiv, a free distribution service and open access archive for scholarly articles, we have received donations totaling more than $100,000 from the Simons Foundation and the National Science Foundation. We received a grant that will enable us to move our growing library of over 2 million papers to the cloud and modernize our code to ensure reliability, fault tolerance , and accessibility for researchers. 'It will be,' he reported.

'We are deeply grateful for the generous support from the Simons Foundation and the National Science Foundation,' said

Greg Morissette, a computer science researcher and associate dean of Cornell University's School of Engineering. 'We will be able to continue our work, serve an even broader audience, and better serve the arXiv scientific community.'

'By modernizing our codebase and moving to the cloud, we are strengthening arXiv's infrastructure and sharing scholarly publications,' said Ramin Zabi , professor of computer science at Cornell University School of Engineering and director of arXiv. We are grateful to the Simons Foundation and the National Science Foundation for supporting arXiv and for sharing our vision for arXiv.' .

arXiv will hire several software developers to modernize its codebase and, in parallel, develop new article search and recommendation methods that can be deployed to arXiv's large and active user community. About. It is also planned to improve the accessibility of the paper to visually impaired people by having both HTML and PDF versions of the content.

'arXiv has been an important part of research infrastructure for decades, and importantly, part of the open science foundation that the world depends on every day,' said Simons Foundation President David Spergel . Through our partner Cornell University School of Engineering, the Foundation is proud to continue its investment in arXiv. This gift will help modernize arXiv and improve its sustainability for the community of scientists and mathematicians it supports. It will help ensure that.'

The issue was also covered on the social news site Hacker News, where many users praised the benefits arXiv brought to the scientific community and were pleased to receive funding. On the other hand, some users were concerned that arXiv, which already works well, would be modified, and others were concerned that arXiv would take on a commercial nature.

ArXiv receives $10M for upgrades | Hacker News

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik