It is reported that Israel, where the conflict with Hamas continues, is planning to deploy the satellite internet 'Starlink' to strengthen communication infrastructure and is in talks with SpaceX

A large-scale attack on Israel by the Islamic fundamentalist organization Hamas that began on October 7, 2023

has left at least 4,200 people dead and there are growing concerns that Israel's communications infrastructure will be cut off. . It has been reported that Israel is planning to deploy SpaceX's satellite internet service ``Starlink'' domestically and is in talks with SpaceX.

Israel looks to roll out SpaceX Starlink internet amid war with Hamas | TechCrunch

Israel in Talks With SpaceX on Starlink Wartime Backup After Hamas Attacks - Bloomberg

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi said on October 17, 2023, ``We are making arrangements to introduce Starlink in Israel.By introducing SpaceX's Starlink, we will be able to provide a wider range of broadband services in Israel than ever before.'' 'In addition, Israel's Ministry of Communications is facilitating the purchase of satellite devices for Starlink connectivity to support councils and community leaders in conflict-prone areas.' doing.

Starlink is an internet service provided by SpaceX, which provides an internet connection environment all over the world with over 4000 satellites. Unlike general fixed broadband, Starlink is said to make it possible to comfortably use the Internet even in areas where there is no physical Internet connection.

To date, SpaceX has been actively working to launch Starlink services in Ukraine and ship connection terminals during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Satellite internet 'Starlink' will be available in Ukraine in no time at the direction of Elon Musk - GIGAZINE

In Ukraine, where Starlink has been introduced, Starlink is not only used for disseminating information on SNS, but also for reconnaissance and attacks with drones. The introduction of Starlink to Ukraine has also been described as ``changing the battle between Russia and Ukraine.''

How did Elon Musk change the fight between Russia and Ukraine? -GIGAZINE

On the other hand, SpaceX doesn't seem to want Starlink to be used in a conflict, and in February 2023, SpaceX COO Gwynne Shotwell said, ``While we are really happy to be able to support Ukraine's fight for freedom, 'The Starlink service was never intended to be weaponized,' he said, expressing concern about the use of Starlink by the Ukrainian military.

Like Ukraine, Israel has previously been outside Starlink's coverage area, but once Starlink is introduced, it will become Israel's first satellite internet service. In Israel, Starlink will be used in case other communication infrastructure is disrupted. Additionally, in the Gaza Strip , where the conflict is intensifying, the Israeli Ministry of Communications has suggested the possibility of suspending mobile phone services and internet communications to prevent propaganda and incitement by Hamas.

The timing of Starlink's service launch in Israel and the number of users who can actually use the service have not been disclosed.

in Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut