Stack Overflow lays off 28% of employees

Stack Overflow , a Q&A service for programmers, has announced that it will lay off 28% of its employees.

A Message from Prashanth Chandrasekar, CEO Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a Q&A service launched in 2008 that specializes in program-related questions. A Japanese version was also available in 2014, and many questions and answers have been posted at the time of writing.

Stack Overflow CEO Prashanth Chandraskar updated his official blog on October 16, 2023 and announced that he would lay off 28% of his employees. CEO Chandraskar explained the reason for the layoffs: ``We have taken many steps to reduce spending in 2023, but unfortunately these measures were not sufficient.''

In addition, CEO Chandraskar said, ``We are focusing on investing in products for next year, and we are significantly downsizing our market development department. Support departments and other departments will also be affected.'' It has been revealed that the main targets are market development and support departments.

In addition, foreign media Ars Technica points out that Stack Overflow's personnel reduction may be due to the unlucky fact that ``We doubled the number of employees in 2022, but ChatGPT appeared immediately after that.'' In fact, in July 2023, an analysis report showed that ``Stack Overflow traffic has decreased sharply since the introduction of ChatGPT.''

The traffic of the IT technical Q&A community 'Stack Overflow' has been halved in just one and a half years, is it due to chat AI? -GIGAZINE

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• Discord | 'Have you ever used Stack Overflow?' | GIGAZINE

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf