Microsoft releases a statement that Microsoft will take care of the results of lawsuits for copyright infringement by customers using AI services

Microsoft has announced a promise that Microsoft, not users, will be responsible for copyright issues when using the AI service Copilot.

Microsoft announces new Copilot Copyright Commitment for customers - Microsoft On the Issues

Some users are concerned about claims of intellectual property or copyright infringement when using content generated by generative AI, and Microsoft has launched a new Copilot to address these types of concerns. Announced copyright commitment.

Specifically, if a customer is sued for copyright infringement as a result of using Copilot, Microsoft will defend the customer and cover any unfavorable judgments or settlements resulting from the lawsuit.

There are three reasons why Microsoft provides Copilot Copyright Commitment:

1: Microsoft is close to the customers who use its products
Microsoft collects fees from customers who use Copilot commercially, and if legal problems arise when using it, it will be considered a Microsoft problem, not a customer problem. Microsoft has been protecting its customers from patent claims related to Microsoft products for about 20 years, and has expanded its coverage over time, making it a policy for Microsoft to cover copyright infringement claims against Copilot. This is a new step forward.

2: Microsoft is sensitive to the concept of authorship and believes that Microsoft, not the customer, should be responsible for addressing them.
Microsoft notes that while the world needs AI to help solve social issues, it is critical that authors manage their copyright rights and earn a healthy profit from their creations. 'We need to ensure that the content needed to train and develop AI models is not monopolized in a way that stifles competition and innovation,' he said. Microsoft is committed to the difficult and sustained efforts required to take creative and constructive steps to advance all of these goals.

3: Microsoft is building important guardrails into Copilot to respect copyright
To reduce the possibility that Copilot will output copyright-infringing content, Microsoft has built filters and other technologies into Copilot. These technologies build upon and complement Microsoft's efforts to protect digital safety, security, and privacy. The new Copilot Copyright Commitment will require customers to use these technologies and create an incentive for everyone to better respect the concept of copyright.

As mentioned in number 3, Microsoft is aware that Copilot may output copyright-infringing content, and has installed technology to prevent this. Therefore, to be protected by the Copilot Copyright Commitment, you must not circumvent built-in content filters or other safety systems, and you must not intentionally attempt to output content that infringes copyright. It will not work.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt