What kind of games are popular on Steam? Analyze based on 'game title', what is a profitable word?


Global Panorama

An analysis of games handled by Steam, a game distribution platform for PC, revealed that titles that include 'HD,' 'Manager,' 'Remastered,' etc. tend to have high profits. The study also found words that were commonly found in the titles of less popular games.

What's in a name? Top Steam game titles revealed!

GameDiscoverCo, which provides information on how to search for games, is based on the question, ``Which word in the title of a game on Steam has the highest median lifetime gross profit?'' , We counted words that appear more than 100 times in Steam game titles.

As a result, 213 words were found. A spreadsheet with the full list of words can be accessed at this link .

Then, when we calculated the median revenue of games that included those words, we found that titles with titles such as 'HD,' 'manager,' and 'remastered' ranked higher. On the other hand, game titles containing words such as 'runner,' 'jump,' and 'prologue' tended to have poor returns.

In addition, GameDiscoverCo summarizes the relationship between game titles and profits revealed through this analysis as follows.

The median earnings of nearly all games are worryingly low
Only the games containing the top six words earned more than $10,000 (about 1,470,000 yen), and half of them earned less than $1,000 (about 147,000 yen), indicating Steam's booming and intense competition. GameDiscoverCo commented that the fun was highlighted.

◆ Remakes of existing games are selling well
Four of the top six words are 'HD,' 'remastered,' 'pro,' and 'gold,' which are often used for remakes or upgraded versions of previously released titles. It was a word. Regarding this, GameDiscoverCo half-jokingly stated, ``It doesn't mean that if you name a new version of the original IP '○○ Gold Pro Remastered HD,' it's guaranteed to be a huge hit.”

The popularity of games with strategic names may be due to their complexity
Among the best-selling game titles were ``Manager'' and ``

Tycoon,' ' which are often used in management simulation games. These games are often complex in content, and the hurdles to developing them tend to be high. It doesn't look like there will be a sudden push to the median,' he said.

It may be because words with low sales feel 'too simple'
In contrast to the popularity of game titles that give a sense of complexity, games that seem beginner-friendly, such as ``Tank,'' ``Ball,'' ``Maze,'' and ``Jump,'' are popular. Titles that oozed saga tended to sell poorly. In addition, GameDiscoverCo says, ``We are not familiar with the challenge of developing a simple game.We also have no experience developing a game from scratch.''

◆ Dark titles rank among the top keywords
GameDiscoverCo often claims that ``games with warm titles are not as suitable for Steam as they are for Switch,'' and as if to back this up, they have released titles such as ``Dead'' and ``Black''. Titles with a dark atmosphere, such as ``Farm'' and ``Little,'' had higher median sales than words with a casual impression, such as ``Farm'' and ``Little.'' In particular, it seems that there are 274 games on Steam with the familiar 'dead' in the title of horror games.

in Game, Posted by log1l_ks