The optimal room temperature for sleeping is 20 degrees to 25 degrees for the elderly, and it turns out that sleep efficiency decreases otherwise

One factor in improving sleep quality is the temperature in your bedroom while you sleep. A study based on about 11,000 sleep data found that the room temperature range of 20 to 25 degrees provided the best sleep for the elderly.
Nighttime ambient temperature and sleep in community-dwelling older adults - ScienceDirect

Optimal Sleep Temperature: 68-77°F Ideal for Adults - Neuroscience News

Researchers at the Marcus Institute on Aging used wearable sleep monitors and environmental sensors to monitor sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and tossing-and-turn frequency in participants' homes over an extended period of time, while controlling for potential confounders and covariates. etc. was evaluated. 50 elderly people participated and collected data for about 11,000 nights.
The results showed that the most efficient and restful sleep occurred when the ambient temperature during sleep was in the range of 20 to 25 degrees.
When the ambient temperature rose from 25 degrees to 30 degrees, sleep efficiency decreased by 5% to 10%. The association was non-linear, with large variations between participants.
Amir Baniasadi, who led the research, commented on the results: It emphasizes the importance of coordination,' he said.
'This study reveals the potential impact of climate change on sleep quality in older adults, especially those with lower socioeconomic status, and as nighttime temperatures rise in cities across the country, their It supports increasing the adaptive capacity of the population.”
Moving forward, Baniasadi and colleagues plan to continue their research by focusing on the potential impact of climate change on sleep in low-income older adults and developing interventions to optimize their environment. That's what it means.
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in Science, Posted by logc_nt