Linux 'Asahi Linux' for Apple silicon releases OpenGL ES compatible GPU driver

Linux's '

Asahi Linux ' that runs on a Mac equipped with Apple silicon, Apple's proprietary Mac chip, has announced a GPU driver that supports OpenGL ES version 3.1.

Rosenzweig – The first conformant M1 GPU driver

Asahi Linux developer Alyssa Rosenzweig has announced the world's only OpenGL ES version 3.1 open source GPU driver for Asahi Linux that is compliant with Apple silicon such as the M1 and M2 chips.

asahi / mesa GitLab

Mr. Rosenzweig has developed a GPU driver for Asahi Linux, and in December 2022 implemented the first GPU driver for Asahi Linux.

Apple GPU driver for ``Asahi Linux'' that runs Linux in Apple M1 environment is finally implemented - GIGAZINE

Regarding the Asahi Linux GPU driver's support for OpenGL ES version 3.1, Mr. Rosenzweig said, ``The driver we develop has passed tens of thousands of tests to prove its accuracy and has been recognized by the industry. I mean,” he says.

Compatibility with OpenGL ES version 3.1 requires passing the official conformance test suite designed to verify all features of the specification. The test results will be submitted to Khronos , a standardization organization, and after a 30-day verification period, if no problems are found, the implementation will be approved.

The GPU driver released this time not only supports OpenGL ES version 3.1, but is also the first implementation that conforms to the M1 graphics standard. However, Mr. Rosenzweig said, 'I'm not going to stop here,' and stated that he would continue to improve the GPU driver.

Regarding the difference between the genuine driver for Apple silicon and the GPU driver for Asahi Linux, Mr. Rosenzweig said, ``Unfortunately, the genuine driver does not conform to standard graphics APIs such as Vulkan, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES. There is no guarantee that any application that utilizes will work on Apple silicon.'

In some cases, tools like MoltenVK , which overlays a subset of Vulkan on top of their own drivers, try to pseudo-support standard graphics APIs that Apple silicon doesn't support, but these tools have important features. is missing, and there are cases where valid applications cannot be used.

Regarding why Asahi Linux is implementing these standards on its own even though Apple does not comply with these standard graphics APIs, Mr. Rosenzweig said, 'Above all, there is a commitment to quality. We want our users to know that our Linux drivers can be trusted, we want them to be able to run standard software without any M1 specific hacks or ports. We want to set the right example for the ecosystem.'

In addition, in version 3.1 of OpenGL ES, which is supported by the GPU driver for Asahi Linux, calculation shaders have been added to speed up general computing within graphics applications, such as physics simulation of 3D games. is executable. This eliminates the stalls required to synchronize physics simulations on the CPU and GPU, making games run faster.

in Software, Posted by logu_ii