Research results that overdose of lead before birth and childhood increases the likelihood of committing crimes later in life

Lead, a type of

metal , has a low melting point and is easy to process, so it has been used in various regions around the world for a long time. movement to crack down on A new research team at George Washington University in the United States has announced a research result that 'exposure to lead before birth and childhood increases the likelihood of committing crimes later in life.'

The association between lead exposure and crime: A systematic review | PLOS Global Public Health

Lead Exposure in Early Life Linked to Higher Risk of Criminal Behavior in Adulthood | GW Today | The George Washington University

Lead Exposure in Childhood Linked to Future Crimes, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

Early lead exposure linked to adult criminal behavior •

Lead is a toxic heavy metal, and lead poisoning causes severe damage to the reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems, and children with high blood lead levels have been shown to have lower IQs than other children. I'm here. It has also been pointed out that childhood lead exposure is associated with delinquency and antisocial behavior. Some studies have even attributed it to a significant drop in violent crime.

However, there are still variations in research data on the relationship between lead exposure and criminal behavior at the individual level, and there are many points that are not understood in detail. Therefore, a research team led by Maria José Tareiro Schettino, a Ph.D.・We reviewed papers that investigated the relevance of aggression.

After excluding articles with insufficient accuracy based on criteria such as lead exposure, inappropriate classification of violent behavior, and research bias, 17 papers based on 13 research results remained. Samples such as blood, teeth, and bones were used to measure lead concentrations in these studies, and long-term follow-up studies ( cohort studies ) conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, Italy, New Zealand, etc. were included. It seems that it was In addition, the period during which lead exposure was measured was ``prenatal'' in 2 cases, ``early childhood (0 to 6 years old)'' in 5 cases, ``late childhood (6 to 11 years old)'' in 5 cases, and ``adolescents''. 5 cases of 'pregnancy and adulthood'.

Analyzes using tools such as ROBINS-E , which investigate biases in systematic reviews, showed that although the association between lead exposure and subsequent criminal tendencies varied among studies, overall lead exposure was positive. It was found to be associated with criminal behavior and aggressive traits later in life.

The research team said more research was needed to determine the strength of the link between lead exposure and criminal behavior because the range of criminal behavior was too broad and individual-level data were scarce. 'Despite these limitations, the present review, together with the available biological evidence, suggests that individuals exposed to lead in fetal or childhood years are more likely to develop criminal behavior in adulthood. 'It shows a high risk,' he said.

Exposure to lead can cause a range of health problems, and children, who are smaller than adults, absorb lead at a higher rate, so the effects on children can be more severe. That's what I'm talking about. Lead exposure is not necessarily limited to developing countries. It can also occur in developed countries from aging water pipes andchildren's toys.In Bangladesh, turmeric additives contain lead. There have also been reports of cases where

A story until scientists find out that the cause of collective lead poisoning is ``a chemical substance that has been mixed in turmeric for 40 years to hide bad-colored turmeric''-GIGAZINE

“These data underscore the need for all countries to implement policies to prevent lead exposure,” Schettino said. All efforts should be scaled up to protect pregnant women from lead contamination.'

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik