A new species of bacteria is discovered from a person bitten by a stray cat

When you see a cat relaxing on the street, it makes you want to pet it, but if it is bitten or scratched, the wound can become infected with germs, which can have serious consequences. A man in the UK who was bitten by a stray cat was infected with a new strain of bacteria scientists had never seen before.

Soft Tissue Infection of Immunocompetent Man with Cat-Derived Globicatella Species - Volume 29, Number 8—August 2023 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC

Man Bitten by Stray Cat Contracts Infection Unknown to Science : ScienceAlert


In this case, in 2020, a 48-year-old obese man was bitten multiple times by a stray cat and eight hours later developed painful swelling in both hands. The man, who attended the emergency department, had his wounds disinfected and bandaged, received a tetanus vaccine and prescribed antibiotics before being discharged.

However, the man's symptoms worsened after that, and 24 hours later he returned to the emergency department. The man's left little finger and right middle finger were enlarged due to infection, and his forearm was also suffering from a subcutaneous bacterial infection called

cellulitis . An intravenous injection of antibiotics was given.

Fortunately, the treatment was successful, and the man made a full recovery after five days of postoperative antibiotics. While the patient made a full recovery, doctors at the hospital were forced to find out an unidentified bacterium in a sample taken from the man's wound.

As a result of the examination, the mysterious bacterium was found to be a new species of

streptococcus . Streptococci are also classified as lactic acid bacteria, and most of them live harmlessly in the throat and skin. in some cases.

Genome analysis of the streptococci found this time revealed that they belonged to the genus Globicatella. A related fungus, Globicatella sulfidfaciens, is difficult to eradicate because it is resistant to common antibiotics, but fortunately the new species responded well to several antibiotics.

“In conclusion, cat bites are a common cause of zoonotic disease,” the doctors said in their report. It emphasizes being a person.”

Also, ScienceAlert, a scientific news site that covered this case, said, ``Experts should gently wash the wound with soap or salt as soon as they are attacked by a stray cat and immediately seek medical attention.'' I was.

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1l_ks