Apple deletes Russian news podcast for no reason, is it an order from the Russian government?

The operator Meduza has revealed that the podcast program 'What Happend', which delivers news in Russian, has been deleted by Apple for no reason. The show has been revived two days after being deleted.

Apple has removed Meduza's flagship news podcast 'What Happened' from Apple Podcasts, without explaining the reason Earlier this summer, the Russian state censorship authority had asked Apple to block the show — Meduza reason

Apple bows to Russian govt order, removes 'What Happened' news podcast | Tech News

'What Happend' is a podcast run by Meduza, Russia's largest independent news organization. Meduza has been treated as an 'overseas spy' by the Russian authorities, and in January 2023, it was declared illegal, its website was blocked, and crowdfunding in Russia was terminated. I'm here.

Still, he continued to transmit information against the Putin regime on podcasts, but Apple contacted him to stop distribution, and he said that distribution on 'Apple Podcast' was stopped.

The content of the notification from Apple is ``We found a problem with the show.We need to fix this problem before you can watch it on Apple Podcasts.Your show has been removed from Apple Podcasts.'' And there was no indication as to which part was the problem.

According to Meduza, in the early summer of 2023, Russia's Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media Supervision Agency (Roskomnadzor) will request Apple to delete 'What Happend' from the server because Meduza is in violation of the law. It is said that he found out that he was doing it.

In addition, the deletion measures were canceled in 2 days, and the program was delivered as before.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt