What kind of shape is the turbine 'Tesla turbine' without any blades?
In the 'turbine' that uses the kinetic energy of fluids such as steam and water, there is also a type called 'Tesla turbine' that uses blades instead of blades to operate. Engineer and YouTuber Integza Joel Gomez explains the mechanism of this Tesla turbine created by inventor Nikola Tesla.
This is an early turbine, called the Sphere of Aeolus, and is said to be the world's first steam turbine, first documented by Heron of Alexandria around the 1st century AD.
The structure is simple, a container containing water is heated to generate steam, and the steam is ejected from an arm attached to a rotating mechanism to rotate the arm.
The sphere of Aeolus is famous for being a very simple steam turbine, but the turbines commonly used since the 20th century are different. Below is a turbine invented by Charles Algernon Parsons.
This turbine uses rotor blades attached to a rotating mechanism.
By blowing steam from one direction to multiple rotor blades, all turbines can obtain as much energy as possible.
Next is the turbine invented by Gustave de Laval, whose purpose is to hit the rotor blades with fluid and rotate them as fast as possible. Taking advantage of its high speed, it is used in rocket engines, etc.
According to Integza, at the time of posting the video, these two turbines make up about 99% of the turbines in use around the world, but there are a few different types of turbines. That's the Tesla Turbine.
The characteristic of the Tesla turbine is that there are no blades at all, and it is made by overlapping multiple discs.
This turbine utilizes the viscosity of fluids. If you drop honey into the rotating cylinder that Integza brought up as an example, you can see that the cylinder rotates due to the honey's viscosity and adsorption. Basically, this is the mechanism of the Tesla turbine.
The same phenomenon occurs with air instead of honey. Multiple discs are used to efficiently rotate with air.
When the disk is placed in the case and air is blown from one point, the air rotates in a spiral and converges at the center of the disk.
There is a hole in the center to allow this air to escape from the center.
Tesla turbines are more durable than bladed turbines, but they have to spin very fast to achieve sufficient energy efficiency and require a lot of material, which makes them difficult to use. Not commonly used.
However, Integza has found hope in working toward a practical Tesla turbine, and is working with two companies
Integza et al. actually complete the prototype and put it into operation.
We have succeeded in lighting two lamps that require 600W of power.
Integza and others are continuing to develop the Tesla turbine, and the prototype is sold by TesTur Energy for $ 999.95 (about 143,000 yen).
4.5 Inch Tesla Turbine Prototype – Heat and Power Inc.
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