A whistleblower points out that Twitter's community notes do not function sufficiently as an ``accurate source of information''

In December 2022, Twitter officially

introduced a ' community note ' function that allows users to evaluate each other and check facts in order to prevent the spread of misleading information and hoax information. However, Nitish Pahuwa, who was involved in the operation of community notes on Twitter, points out that the community note function is not sufficient to effectively deal with spam and false information that spreads on Twitter.

Twitter's Community Notes: What I saw when I joined Elon Musk's supposed truth army.

The community note function is a function that allows users to leave a 'note' that explains the context of the tweet for tweets that may cause misunderstanding. These notes must be rated 'helpful' by a large number of users before they can be attached to Tweets and published. Notes that don't get enough 'helpful' ratings will be marked as under-rated or 'useless' and will remain unpublished.

``Community notes'' that make tweet fact checks with the power of all Twitter users are now available worldwide including Japan - GIGAZINE

Mr. Pahwa said, ``There are many community notes, from serious and useful notes like general tweets to notes full of trolls, prejudices, and hoaxes.'' It's not enough to effectively deal with misinformation and false information.'

Even though Elon Musk reported that ``the platform system will fix it'' in response to a conspiratorial tweet about the 2020 US presidential election , Pahwa said that such tweets are still scattered. indicate. Mr. Pahwa also mentioned that Mr. Mask shared unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband's attack, saying, ``Community notes are well received by groups with a wide variety of ideas. It is difficult to effectively deal with politically biased and misinformation.'

According to Pahwa, the community note function is manipulated by some thinkers and activists, and accuracy is ignored. Wall Street Silver , who has a right-wing idea, accuses ``volunteer left-wing activists are trying to add inaccurate notes to my tweets.''

Right-wing activist Andy Ngo claims, ``Left-wing users use the block function to avoid being attached with notes.'' In response to Mr. Ngo's claim, Mr. Mask is proposing to completely abolish the blocking function.

There was also a lot of criticism when Mr. Mask made misleading tweets about sexual minorities.

Mr. Mask said, ``If my opinion is wrong, please correct it with the community note function,'' but no note was given to Mr. Mask's tweet.

Meanwhile, Musk continues to argue that the community notes feature is an important future-proofing tool for Twitter, facing lawsuits for misleading articles about the presidential election and for making false statements on air. It mentions Mr. and claims that 'community notes help correct false information.'

However, it has been reported that none of Carlson's tweets actually received a sufficient number of 'useful' evaluations, and further evaluation is needed.

``The community notes feature built before Musk's acquisition of Twitter misses even Mr. Mask's own lies.Can Twitter really be the most accurate source of information in this situation? ” points out.

Announced in January 2021 under the name ' Birdwatch ,' Twitter's fact-checking feature was launched as a ' community-based approach to misinformation .' However, in September 2022, whistleblower Pater Zatko said that Birdwatch had no content moderation measures, and that the development team included a person with an extreme right-wing idea called ' Q Anon .' It has been reported that the content is being used, and it has been pointed out that there is a risk of distorting ideas in the content.

After Twitter was acquired by Mr. Mask in October 2022, Birdwatch was renamed 'Community Note', and a similar service was rolled out worldwide from December 2022. Mr. Mask said at the time, 'It has unprecedented potential to improve the accuracy of Twitter's information.'

However, it has beenpointed out that about 30,000 notes, which is 96% of the community notes, remain hidden. ``The problem with community notes is that fact checking is completely user-dependent,'' Pahwa said.

in Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut