A ``code interpreter'' function that allows data analysis and graphing by executing code on ChatGPT has been added, and the era of ``anyone can become a data analyst'' has arrived

In early July 2023, a new function `` code interpreter '' that allows you to execute code on ChatGPT and access uploaded files was deployed for users of

ChatGPT Plus , a paid version of ChatGPT. By using the code interpreter, even people with little knowledge of coding can analyze data and create visual charts, and it has been evaluated as 'anyone can become a data analyst'.

ChatGPT — Release Notes | OpenAI Help Center

Code Interpreter comes to all ChatGPT Plus users — 'anyone can be a data analyst now' | VentureBeat

ChatGPT's Code Interpreter - Top 6 uses - chatgptguide.ai

OpenAI, which develops ChatGPT, announced in the release notes on July 6 that the code interpreter that was being deployed in the beta version of the web will be deployed to all users of ChatGPT Plus from the next week. In OpenAI's release notes, ``The code interpreter allows ChatGPT to execute code and optionally access uploaded files. ChatGPT can be asked to perform data analysis, graph creation, file editing, calculations, etc. It is written. According to technology media VentureBeat, ChatGPT writes code in Python and allows users to upload files of up to 500MB.

Linas Beliūnas, GM of the Lithuanian branch of fintech firm Flutterwave, said in a LinkedIn post , 'OpenAI opens up the most powerful capabilities since GPT-4 to everyone. Now anyone can be a data analyst.' 'The future of data science has changed forever,' he commented.

Mr. Beliūnas actually used a code interpreter to instantly calculate the GDP data based on country-by-country gross domestic product (GDP) data published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It states that it was able to create a graph of country rankings.

He was also able to input a dataset of UFO sightings and generate an HTML heatmap.

Ethan Morrick, an AI researcher at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, referred to ChatGPT's code interpreter in a newsletter for subscribers, calling it 'the most useful and interesting mode of AI I've used.' I rated it. Morrick argues that the code interpreter can be applied to various use cases such as 'proving that the earth is round' and 'analyzing the powers of superheroes'.

The ChatGPT Guide, which explains various uses of ChatGPT, reports six use cases using the code interpreter in practice.

◆1: Image editing
Using the code interpreter, it is possible to upload images to ChatGPT, resize them, rotate or flip them, add a little text, says ChatGPT Guide. However, when I requested to select the subject and remove the background, the code interpreter refused to do the work, saying, `` The OpenCV library required for this work cannot be executed in the environment.''

◆ 2: Animating images
When ChatGPT Guide instructed ChatGPT to upload a horizontally long image of American comic heroes gathered to ChatGPT and pan (moving the camera vertically or horizontally) to animate it, the code interpreter responded as follows. I made a video.

Code Interpreter Example of Video Output-YouTube

The ChatGPT Guide says, 'Panning wasn't as smooth as we'd like, but you can have ChatGPT start over with fewer or more frames to produce a slower, smoother video.' says.

◆3: Data visualization
ChatGPT Guide was tasked with inputting and visualizing player statistics for the 2022-2023 season of the major European football leagues as a dataset. The dataset contains 2,500 rows and more than 120 columns, and although it is not as large as the largest data set processed by data analysts, there was enough data for beginners to process. The data was collected approximately three months before the end of the season.

Based on the data set, I tried to create a graph of 'top 10 players with the most goals' below. 1st place is

Erling Haaland , who is very active in the Premier League, 2nd place is Harry Kane of the Premier League, and 3rd place is Victor Osimhen of Seria A, and I was able to graph it without problems. .

Below is a graph of the ratio of 'number of goals / number of shots' for the three players with the top number of goals. ChatGPT's code interpreter worked without problems in many scenarios, but when creating the ``player age distribution graph'', it was confirmed that there were cases where certain age groups were missing for some reason. Human checks are still required.

◆ 4: QR code generation
When I gave the code interpreter the task 'generate a QR code that links to the ChatGPT Guide shop page (https://www.chatgptguide.ai/shop)', the correct QR code was generated. However, he said that he failed in a complicated task such as 'embedding an e-book image in the QR code', and not all tasks could be executed perfectly.

◆ 5: Read and analyze huge PDF files
To test the code interpreter's data capture skills, ChatGPT Guide uploaded PDF files of the Bible and the Qur'an with a huge amount of text. After that, when I gave tasks such as 'counting the number of times the word Jesus (Jesus) appeared' and 'analyzing the style differences between the Bible and the Quran', the code interpreter properly read the PDF file and performed the task is said to have been executed.

◆ 6: Simple game programming
ChatGPT Guide had the code interpreter make a simple

snake game to see if it would be useful for people with poor coding skills. The person who interacted with the code interpreter has only acquired the basics such as 'building an integrated development environment', 'installing libraries', and 'how to execute code', but it seems that he did not have advanced skills beyond that. The code interpreter was able to create a simple snake game without issue.

ChatGPT Guide believes Code Interpreter is a magical tool for coding beginners as well as advanced users. 'Sometimes coding is tedious. For example, when you're looking for the right library, reading the documentation, or debugging. The code interpreter knows which library to use for a given task. We know exactly what it means, no more endless scrolling through docs and forums!” said ChatGPT Guide.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik