``Open science and open source AI are in the national interest,'' CEO of AI platform Hugging Face testified in Congress

Hugging Face is an open source platform mainly for natural language processing, and various AI-related libraries and models are available.

Clement Delang , CEO of Hugging Face, attended a hearing in the United States House of Representatives and testified that ``open science and open source AI are in line with American values and national interests.''

Hugging Face CEO tells US House open-source AI is 'extremely aligned' with American interests | VentureBeat

Founded in 2016, Hugging Face provides a service that combines a hosting platform specializing in natural language processing and a cloud execution environment on the platform. For example, the code and documentation for Stable Diffusion, a popular image generation AI, are also published on Hugging Face, and it is possible to run a demo.

In addition, Hugging Face itself is also developing AI, and in April 2023, it released an open source interactive AI chat “HuggingChat” as a rival to ChatGPT.

HuggingFace releases open source interactive AI chat 'HuggingChat' as a rival to ChatGPT - GIGAZINE

At the launch of HuggingChat, DeLang said, 'I think we need an open-source conversational AI chat alternative to ChatGPT to increase transparency, inclusiveness, accountability and rights sharing. HuggingFace publishes HuggingChat is an open source early prototype interface powered by the latest Open Assistant.' He showed the recognition that AI development with open source has important meaning.

On June 22, Mr. DeLang attended a public hearing held by the United States House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology, titled ' Artificial Intelligence: Advancing Innovation Towards the National Interest,' and met with lawmakers. testified before

In recent years, there has been concern that the open spread of AI will lead to misuse, but Delang argued at the hearing that today's AI progress is supported by open science and open source. He states that the United States may not have been able to become a major country in AI development without the existence of open source machine learning libraries such as PyTorch , Tensorflow , and Keras .

And Mr. DeLang said open science and open source AI were 'important to inspire and are very much in line with American values and national interests,' and supported the release of open source AI. bottom.

The advantage of open source AI development is that it prevents large companies from accumulating specialized technology and know-how, and SMEs and academic societies can work on cutting-edge AI development and consider problems. can be mentioned. By preventing AI from becoming a black box, it can increase corporate accountability and help solve problems related to AI such as bias, misinformation, copyright, and returns to artists and creators.

“Ethical openness can give civil society, non-profits, academia, and policy makers the ability to compete with the power of big private companies and pave the way for safer technology development,” DeLang said. I can,' he said.

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik