Elon Mask, Sergey Brin and others use drugs such as magic mushrooms, LSD, ketamine on a daily basis, and 'psychedelic parties' are held in Silicon Valley

The discourse that `` you can get inspiration by ingesting a small amount of hallucinogens such as LSD and magic mushrooms '' has spread in Silicon Valley, and the current situation that many entrepreneurs use drugs is the Wall Street Journal. reported. The report also reveals that Elon Musk is taking the antidepressant 'ketamine' and that Google co-founder Sergey Brin is enjoying magic mushrooms.

Magic Mushrooms. LSD. Ketamine. The Drugs That Power Silicon Valley.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the information that Mr. Musk is taking ketamine was obtained from a person close to Mr. Musk and a person who directly witnessed `` Mr. Musk taking ketamine '', Mr. Brin The magic mushroom intake of is the information obtained from the person concerned. Also, Mr. Musk said immediately after the Wall Street Journal report that ` ` SSRIs (a type of antidepressant) turn people into zombies. I am posting a tweet that admits to taking ketamine.

Spencer Schremm , CEO of AI-related startup BuildBetter AI , reveals to the Wall Street Journal that he regularly takes LSD. Mr. Schlemm takes a very small amount of LSD when working alone outside working hours, and sometimes takes a lot of LSD and goes hiking. Mr. Schlemm says that taking LSD increases concentration and enables creative thinking. ``Investors don't want ordinary companies or ordinary people.Investors want something special, but you weren't born special,'' said Schlem. It points out that management has no choice but to dabble in drugs to meet excessive expectations from investors.

Silicon Valley drug users rely on dealers and hire chemists to obtain drugs. In one corner of San Francisco, a trader sells drugs, and some people call the trader 'Costco' because they can buy drugs in bulk from the trader at a discounted price.

Furthermore, in Silicon Valley, 'psychedelic parties' that take drugs are sometimes held. Party invitations are sent by the highly anonymous message application `` Signal '', and when participating in a high-class party, you may be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement and pay hundreds of dollars (tens of thousands of yen).

The current state of Silicon Valley moguls taking drugs is nothing new, and Steve Jobs said during his lifetime, 'The LSD experience was one of the most important experiences of my life. LSD The experience of LSD showed me another side to the coin, which I don't recall very clearly after the effects wore off, and as a result, I felt that LSD was more important than making money. I strengthened it, ”he admitted that he was inspired by the intake of LSD.

``LSD in 3 Minutes'' that understands ``safety of LSD'' that Apple's Jobs also used in 3 minutes-GIGAZINE

``Until a few years ago, the topic of drugs was contraindicated in Silicon Valley, but now it has changed completely,'' said Edward Sullivan, CEO of Velocity Coaching, which supports startups. . According to Sullivan, only a few Velocity Coaching customers were interested in drugs in the 2010s, but about 40% of customers were interested in drugs at the time of writing the article. . Some startup backers are also starting to help startup owners fight drugs.

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf