What is the best way to make good use of ``dondengaeshi'' that betrays and surprises the viewer's expectations?

The 'turnaround' in the story can surprise and impress the viewer by revealing a shocking secret or ending that changes greatly from the previous development. However, on the other hand, the development that only invites shock may make you feel cheap.

Now You See It, a YouTube channel that conducts media analysis, summarizes how to use such twisting techniques well and specific good and bad examples in a movie.

How To Do A Plot Twist-YouTube

Now You See It feels that there is a demand for commentary on 'plot twists,' but is concerned that exemplifying works that actually do plot twists may detract from their appeal. That's right. However, a study from the University of California, San Diego showed that after reading a famous book after spoiling the ending, more participants said they liked the book more than they would if they had just read it. Now You says that this study not only guarantees that the use of specific examples in the commentary of the story structure does not detract from the charm of the works mentioned in the examples, but also explains why plot twists are wonderful. See It says.

In the movie, '

Now You See Me ' released in 2013 and ' Primal Fear' released in 1996 are used to explain good and bad examples using plot twists. and light spoilers for 2006's The Prestige . So, if you haven't seen it yet, you can avoid spoilers, but you can also watch the film after watching the spoilers, considering a study from the University of California, San Diego.

Now You See It defines a twist as ``to produce a completely unexpected result for the story so far''. For example, 'Grand Illusion' follows Dylan Rose, an FBI special agent played by

Mark Ruffalo , to 'Four Horsemen' organized by four illusionists. However, as a shocking development revealed in the work, it turns out that Investigator Rose is the 'fifth horseman'.

Now You See It points out the shocking development in 'Grand Illusion', saying, 'The rest of the movie is pretty funny, but this twist doesn't work very well.' Now You See It cites the cartoon '

Scooby-Doo, ' in which a cowardly talking big dog solves a monster-related haunting case, as an example of the right use of an important principle in a plot twist. Illusion' explains why the plot twist isn't great. In “Scooby-Doo,” the final punchline unfolds and connects with the logic established in each episode, keeping the viewer well-informed. As a result, viewers can also logically imagine the ending, so they can be satisfied with 'I got it!' even when a twist occurs.

On the other hand, according to Now You See It, ``Grand Illusion'' has almost no established logic, and the truth that ``the clumsy FBI agent was a sly genius'' is too unimaginable. matter. This is not a satisfying story that the expectations were betrayed, but because it focused on just shocking the viewer, it seems that it is not a work of good evaluation as a twist story as a result.

Now You See It, on the other hand, finds 'The Prestige' to be the perfect balance between the impact of 'Grand Illusion' and the predictable but logical progression of 'Scooby-Doo'. I'm here. 'Prestige' is a suspense movie depicting two magicians who hate each other and compete due to past relationships, and if you have a good intuition, you can predict the plot development in 20 minutes from the start of the movie. Now You See It says, ``The best plot twists are those that can create the biggest surprises without undermining established logic,'' and ``Prestige'' does just that. points out.

So how do you create a great plot twist that will surprise you and do it in an interesting way? Therefore, Now You See It cites ``Whereabouts of Truth'' as an example, saying that it is similar to ``Prestige'' but differs in important respects. In 'Where the Truth Goes,' a boy accused of murdering the archbishop is found

not guilty by insanity and is acquitted as a lawyer examines him. However, at the end of the movie, the boy sent to the psychiatrist reveals that 'there was no such thing as a violent personality' Aaron 'and that it was all acting to lighten the sentence.

The ending of 'The Way of the Truth' is also carefully woven into the logic of the story, while creating a strong impact. The logic in 'The Whereabouts of Truth' is characterized by unclear evidence of a split mind and the fact that 'what personality he is now' is always ambiguous, but the viewer still finds the logic It is a result of being caught up with most of the characters in the work and being greatly fooled.

Alfred Hitchcock , a film director who has been called the ``master of suspense'' and the ``god of thrillers,'' said, ``To extract suspense, you have to provide the audience with a certain amount of information. We leave it up to the viewer's imagination.' Now You See It states that, as a condition for a good plot twist, as a study at the University of California, San Diego showed that pre-spoilers made the book enjoyable, ``after the plot twist, you can go back in the work. It's as much fun as the plot itself if you can watch and enjoy the bits that hint at the ending of the plot.'

in Video,   Movie, Posted by log1e_dh