Twitter is asked for damages of about 35 billion yen from the National Music Publishers Association for leaving copyright infringement tweets of songs

The National Music Publishers Association (NMPA) sued Twitter for leaving posts containing copyrighted music and promoting copyright infringement that damages creators. The complaint seeks damages totaling $250 million (about 35 billion yen) for hundreds of thousands of acts of infringement on about 1,700 works.

Music publishers sue Twitter for $250m+ alleging 'rampant infringement of copyrighted music' - Music Business Worldwide

NMPA, which filed a lawsuit in federal court in Tennessee on behalf of 17 companies including Sony Music Publishing and Universal Music Publishing Group, said that Twitter neglected copyright infringement content posted by users and posted problematic content. We are concerned about hosting and streaming and letting people who continue to infringe copyrights continue to use the platform while turning a blind eye.

Twitter's CEO changed in November 2022, but Twitter's copyright infringement has been pointed out since founder Jack Dorsey was CEO.

According to NMPA, companies such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, which compete with Twitter, have signed licensing agreements with major music companies and have continued to show a willingness to deal with copyright infringement. On the other hand, NMPA argued that Twitter had ignored an important agreement to sign a license agreement since Dorsey's time, and that position remained unchanged even after CEO Elon Musk took over.

In 2021, a bipartisan group of lawmakers will send a letter to Dorsey, demanding that Twitter address its failure to sign music licensing deals with the appropriate agencies. It was reported that Twitter considered signing license agreements with three major record companies before Mr. Mask's acquisition, but the story stalled after Mr. Mask's acquisition, leading to this lawsuit. It is said that it has been done.

NMPA has begun sending copyright infringement notifications to Twitter on a weekly basis since December 2021, and it is reported that the number will total 300,000 by the June 2023 lawsuit.

NMPA said, ``Twitter is fully aware of the fact that billions of people leak and stream music every day.We can no longer refuse to pay songwriters and music publishers.'' I was.

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr