A seller who criticized Amazon's policy that ``it is prohibited to sell cheaply elsewhere'' complains that ``Amazon's lawyer will crush it''

When the CEO of an educational toy maker that sells its own products on Amazon criticized the rule that Amazon once stipulated that ``Do not sell on platforms other than Amazon at a lower price than Amazon'', Amazon took retaliatory measures. I am reporting that I have received it.

Molson Hart, founder and CEO of educational toy maker Viahart and co-founder of intellectual property-focused litigation fund Edison, said in 2019, ``Amazon's business practices are affecting American consumers. I posted a blog post titled 'What kind of harm does it do?' In it, Mr. Hart mentioned the above-mentioned terms, which were controversial and quietly ended four months before the post, and the problems with Amazon's exorbitant fees. Mr. Hart argues that Amazon does not allow selling products cheaply outside of Amazon, and if it does, Amazon will take measures such as hiding the product. Therefore, it was thought that prices other than Amazon would remain high, which would be disadvantageous to consumers.

This code has been viewed as a problem since that time as it hinders the competition of small and medium enterprises, and the same code has already been abolished in Europe, and in the United States, Senator Richard Blumenthal led an investigation into the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission law. The movement to seek was underway. Mr. Hart also testified in Congress in a series of movements, but no concrete movement occurred for a while.

Then in May 2021, Washington DC Attorney General Carl Racine will file a lawsuit against Amazon for antitrust violations. The lawsuit was the main point of contention, arguing that Amazon's unfair practices were driving up prices across the market.

Amazon is sued for ``raising the market price unfairly''-GIGAZINE

In September 2022, Attorney General Rob Bonta of California sued Amazon for similar issues, and Amazon lowered the display rank of products to sellers who sell products cheaply outside Amazon. It claimed that penalties were given such as , making it less noticeable, and completely blocking new listings. This overlaps with Mr. Hart's appeal, and Mr. Hart was also selected as a witness in the trial.

However, in a series of turmoil, Mr. Hart claims that he has been sued by Amazon. According to Mr. Hart, Amazon's lawyers are requesting Mr. Hart to submit various documents to fulfill the purpose of 'I want to prove that Mr. Hart is lying or wrong.'

``The problem is that this kind of procedure happens endlessly,'' Hart said. We can no longer afford the legal fees.'

Regarding this issue, Hacker News, a news sharing bulletin board, said, ``Mr. Hart was only summoned to disclose the lawsuit, and it seems that Mr. Hart himself was not sued. That said, there is no question that Amazon is asking Mr. Hart for additional information beyond what the California Attorney General's Office has requested, which would discredit Mr. Hart as a witness. It must be something to find something that will make you fall down, ”a comment was received .

Hart said, ``Amazon called me an'Amazon critic,' but I'm only criticizing Amazon's policy, not Amazon itself.If the lawsuit continues, it's not me. Amazon will go bankrupt.'

in Posted by log1p_kr