Survey reveals whether people want to have sex with robots when they are sexually aroused

While many people worry about the rise of AI and the possibility of robots taking their jobs, the impact on their sex lives is rarely mentioned. A new study has confirmed that sexual arousal increases the likelihood of having sex with a robot.

Hot for Robots! Sexual Arousal Increases Willingness to Have Sex with Robots: The Journal of Sex Research: Vol 0, No 0

New research shows sexual arousal leads to a greater willingness to get intimate with robots

'Despite the fact that machines designed to be sexually arousing are on the rise and that such machines could potentially influence our sexual decision-making process, no one has examined how sexual arousal would affect our sexual decisions with such an 'artificial partner,'' says Simon Dubé, a researcher in sexuality and technology at Concordia University in Canada.

Dubé is known as a pioneer in this field, having proposed the concept of 'erobots' at a French academic conference in 2019, a concept that encompasses eroticism (eros), programs (bots), and robots (robots).

Robotics experts seriously study the future of 'erobots' - GIGAZINE

To explore whether people were willing to have an intimate relationship with a robot and how this was affected by sexual arousal, Dubé and his team conducted a survey of 321 participants recruited via the internet and word of mouth, all of whom were fluent in English and had viewed pornography.

The study was conducted online in two parts: in the first, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire about themselves and their willingness to engage in sexual relations with a robot, and then a week later, participants were asked to watch 10 minutes of a pornographic video and then fill out the same questionnaire again.

The results showed that people who were sexually aroused by watching pornography were more likely to report in the survey that they would be open to having sex with a robot, while their likelihood of liking a robot did not change before or after watching the pornographic videos.

Men were also more likely than women to be willing to have sex with a robot after watching porn, but there were no gender differences when it came to falling in love with or being friends with a robot.

The research team points out that it is important to note that most of the participants in the experiment were well-educated white people and that the self-report scale used is prone to bias.

'This innovative study thoroughly assessed participants' sexual arousal and attraction , and is the first to quantitatively demonstrate that state factors such as sexual arousal influence people's willingness to engage in erotic intimacy with an artificial partner, such as a robot,' Dubé and his colleagues wrote.

in Science,   , Posted by log1l_ks