A former employee who stole more than 2 billion yen from Apple by various methods such as embezzlement and kickback will be sentenced to imprisonment

A former employee of Apple was sentenced to three years in prison for stealing about $ 17 million (about 2.3 billion yen) from Apple through phone and email fraud, and returned about $ 19 million (about 2.6 billion yen). It turns out that I was ordered to pay.
Northern District of California | Former Apple Employee Sentenced To Prison For Conspiracy To Defraud Apple And Tax Crimes | United States Department of Justice

Former Apple employee sentenced for stealing $17 million from company - The Verge

Dhirendra Prasad, who was at Apple from 2008 to 2018, purchased parts and services from vendors as a buyer, mainly in Apple's global service supply chain division.
According to law enforcement officials, Mr. Prasad has been involved in fraud since around 2011, stealing parts, forging invoices, receiving

In addition, Prasad used the information he had in his position to evade Apple's fraud detection technology and avoid detection. The U.S. Department of Justice said, ``Mr. Prasad was given substantial discretion to make decisions autonomously in the interests of his employer. I abused that power.' In addition to a three-year prison sentence, he was ordered to pay a refund of about $ 19 million, which is the sum of the refund to Apple and the amount of tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service.

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