A bill that explicitly prohibits India's ``caste discrimination'' is submitted in California, USA


Caste ' is a Hindu class system in which occupations and classes are determined by birth. Discrimination based on caste was spreading not only in India but also overseas such as the United States, but the state of California, USA is working on a law to prohibit discrimination based on caste.

Why California is taking on caste-based discrimination | California | The Guardian

In the caste system, the lowest class of discriminated people who are considered to be 'outside class' is called '

Dalit '. It is common for Dalits to work in jobs related to 'pollution' such as slaughterhouses and sewage cleaning.

In India, where Hinduism is the majority, 'caste discrimination', which is discrimination based on the caste system, has become normal. This caste discrimination has spread across the sea to Indian engineers in Silicon Valley in the United States, and it has long been regarded as a problem that it has developed into lawsuits.

India's ``caste discrimination'' is established in Silicon Valley in the United States-GIGAZINE

A 2018 survey (PDF file) conducted by Equity Lab , a US-based Dalit organization, reported that two out of three workers in US workplaces were victims of caste discrimination. It has been.

In order to correct caste-based discrimination, educational institutions such as Harvard University and California State University, as well as major companies such as Apple , explicitly prohibit caste discrimination. However, state-level efforts have not yet taken place.

In March 2023, California Senator Aisha Wahab introduced law SB 403 , making California the first state to ban caste-based discrimination. SB 403 adds the caste system as a protected category under California's antidiscrimination law.

``In America, where races and religions are diversifying, it is essential to ban caste-based discrimination and broaden understanding of discrimination,'' said Wahab. While there are voices of support for Mr. Wahab, some communities have also raised objections, and organizations have been formed to protest the bill.

The news media The Guardian is interviewing Mr. Wahab.

When did you learn that there is caste-based discrimination?

I learned about the caste system through my school education. The caste system has been around for over 3,000 years, so caste-based discrimination is deeply rooted in many people. Caste-based discrimination occurs far more often than people think or realize.

◆Q2: What motivated you to create and introduce this bill that prohibits discrimination based on caste?

There are a large number of Hindus in California, and so far caste-based discrimination has been viewed as a problem at

Cisco Systems and California State University East Bay. I am trying to address this issue through this bill to protect people.

Q3: Why is caste-based discrimination a problem in America now?

In America, where diversity is progressing, the types of discrimination are increasing, and not only discrimination based on caste but also various discrimination is rapidly increasing. As policy makers, we want to act proactively to ensure that all people are protected, regardless of where they come from or what their background is.

Q4: The number of Indian engineers is increasing in Silicon Valley, but how much has the caste system been discussed as a political issue in the local community?

In Silicon Valley, some communities have no knowledge of the caste system. On the other hand, there are communities that discriminate based on caste in housing and work. However, the discussion of caste seems to be somewhat taboo. In America, many people seem to turn a blind eye to the caste system and think that everyone is happy. I can.

Q5: What kind of support did you receive from the marginalized community in enacting this bill?

I get hundreds of calls and emails about this bill every day. People from different ethnic communities and religious backgrounds reached out to me and offered support. If this bill can give even a handful of people the right to live freely, I will be very happy.

◆Q6: How do you feel about being threatened by groups opposing the bill?

Some people seem to confuse religious freedom with the prohibition of caste-based discrimination. This bill seeks to protect people from discrimination. It is also very interesting that there are groups who are discriminated against among the groups that oppose this bill.

◆Q7: You argued that this bill is a bill that prohibits discrimination based on caste, as well as a civil rights bill, a workers bill, a women's rights bill, and a human rights bill. Please explain this.

The bill would allow people to live their lives freely without being judged not only on which caste they belong to, but also on their family and ancestry. This bill would expand existing anti-discrimination laws to protect a wider range of people.

in Note, Posted by log1r_ut