A person who generated a fake ``President Trump was arrested'' image using the image generation AI ``Midjourney V5'' is banned from use

The development team of the image generation AI 'MidJourney' released '

Midjourney V5 ' on March 16, 2023, which is capable of generating ultra-high-quality images that look like live action. Using such Midjourney V5, a large number of fake images such as `` Former US President Donald Trump was arrested '' were generated, and it became clear that the user who published it on Twitter received a ban from Midjourney. .

AI-faked images of Donald Trump's imagined arrest swirl on Twitter | Ars Technica

AI platform allegedly bans journalist over fake Trump arrest images | Ars Technica

Midjourney Allegedly Banned A Journalist Over AI Trump Arrest Images

Elliot Higgins, founder of British investigative news agency Bellingcat , said, ``As of March 21, 2023, Trump was arrested before he was actually arrested under criminal charges. I generated an image that would be useful,” and posted on Twitter that he used MidJourney V5 to generate about 50 images that make it look like Mr. Trump is resisting arrest or that he has been imprisoned.

The image below is an image of a fake Trump posted by Mr. Higgins. Mr. Trump, who was arrested by the police as a result of the rampage.

Mr Trump ran away.

Donald Trump Jr. protesting police.

Resisting police.

Ivanka Trump also protested against the police.

Mr. Trump, who has been put in detention in vain with desperate resistance.

Trump's trial has begun.

This is what it looks like in court.

Trump crying during trial.

Mr. Melania Trump who is laughing for some reason while Mr. Donald Trump Jr. is crying.

You will be taken to jail.

Staring out of the prison with sad eyes.

Mr. Trump chooses a prison uniform for himself.

I am signing some documents.

I work as a toilet cleaner in a prison.

Mr. Trump who is diligent about reading.

Staring at something with a stern face.

Sometimes he enjoys playing basketball with other prisoners.

Mr. Trump doing muscle training.

I am having a conversation with the prisoners.

Trump in prison.

Finally trying to break out of jail.

It seems that the jailbreak was successful.

Where I ran in the rain ......

It was a restaurant named 'Minonad'.

Mr. Trump ran in and ordered the goods. However, it seems that he is holding his head and thinking about something.

These images posted by Mr. Higgins have been viewed more than 5.2 million times as being particularly popular, but one user told Mr. Higgins, ``To prevent people from getting confused, the images generated by the image generation AI should be watermarked to indicate that it is not an actual photo.'

Midjourney issued Higgins on March 22, 2023 from the viewpoint that the images generated by Mr. Higgins violated the terms of service ``Do not use images or text prompts that are offensive or otherwise abusive to others''. I have taken a disposition to ban Mr. Also, at the time of writing, Midjourney prohibits the use of prompts containing the word 'arrest' and the names of past presidents, including 'Donald Trump.'

Higgins told news media BuzzFeed News, ``This is the result of trying various prompts to see what Midjourney V5 can do and how complex images it can generate.'' Higgins also commented on the posted image, ``Many of the reactions to the image have been positive, but some Trump supporters have been angry. But I don't mean to criticize Trump. was.”

In addition, Mr. Higgins told the news media Ars Technica, ``The most impressive thing about this series of posts is that many people did not know the existence or function of image generation AI like Midjourney.'' ``My post made people aware of what kinds of images the image generation AI can forge,'' he said. He also points out, 'If fake images generated using celebrities are banned, why is image generation AI learning using celebrity datasets?'

in Software, Posted by log1r_ut