Succeeded in playing Pokemon with chat AI's GPT-4, winning the Pokemon league just by entering 'victory'

Dan Dangondo, an engineer at PTC Reality Lab , reported that he succeeded in playing ' Pokemon Emerald ' using ' GPT-4 ', which was just officially announced on March 14, 2023 local time. I'm here.
So it turns out, GPT-4 knows enough about Pokemon Emerald that you can ask it to pretend to be a text-based interface for it and it just... works? A thread. (Shoutout to @Bulbapedia for being my fact- checking source for this!) #gpt4 #ChatGPT
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
When Mr. Dangondo asked, ``Is it possible to simulate Pokemon Emerald with a command line interface?'', GPT-4 replied, ``Of course! It is possible to simulate Emerald, which is like a simplified version of Pokemon Emerald.' In addition, the adventure will start from Mishiro Town (Littleroot Town in the English version), and you will be prompted to choose one of 'Kimori', 'Achamo', and 'Mizugoro' as your first partner. When Mr. Dangondo selects the water-type Mizugoro as a partner Pokemon, the first battle starts as it is. The opponent is a wild Poochyena. In the battle part, you can choose the level of each Pokemon and whether to use the 'Tear' or 'Crying' move that Mizugoro can use.
Starts up the game without a problem, pretty accurate so far, skipping the moving van and clock setting scene which honestly isn't the most riveting thing in this game anyway
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
In the battle part, the remaining health of each Pokemon is displayed as a percentage. When the battle ends, the adventure finally begins. GPT-4 asks Mr. Dangondo, ``What will you do next?'' It seems that the user can freely decide what to do next.
Battle is rudimentary but works! Could probably ask it to show HP values rather than just percentages
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
Before going on an adventure, Dangondo gives his partner Mizugorou a nickname. When I checked, Mizugorou was male, so Mr. Dangondo named it 'Kip'.
It had skipped the opportunity to name Mudkip which I thought was a TRAVESTY. A quick question helped fix that
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
Mr. Dangondo, who started the adventure by walking on the 101st street, has asked GPT-4 to use `` Mizuteppo '', a move that Mizugoro has not yet remembered. Then, ``Kip doesn't remember the water.Kip's current level is '5' and he only remembers the thunder and the noise.When Kip reaches level 10, he remembers the water.' I returned. In Pokemon Emerald, Mizugorou learns water tops after reaching level 10 , so GPT-4 correctly grasps the `` level at which Mizugoro learns water tops '' that differs for each series. increase.
It correctly identified that Mudkip does not learn Water Gun until level 10 in Gen 3
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
In addition, GPT-4 said, ``You can earn experience points while traveling around Route 101, battling wild Pokemon, and battling trainers. Alternatively, you can catch wild Pokemon. Do you want to do it?' He gave Mr. Dangond an example of what he could do. When Mr. Dangondo replied, 'I want to catch Pikachu,' he said, 'In Pokemon Emerald, you can meet Pikachu in the Minamo City safari zone. We're still on Route 101, so it's a long way to Minamo City. You can reach the zone, so you can catch Pikachu at that time.' He kindly told me where to meet Pikachu.
Unfortunately, it also knows where Pikachu can and cannot be found
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
However, it seems that there was an error in the geographical information around Route 103. However, GPT-4 responds dexterously to a request to skip the training work of ``Train Kip to level 8'', and Kip grows to level 8 at once.
So Route 103 is directly north of Oldale, Route 102 is to the west and leads to Petalburg, so this was just factually wrong (it also makes no mention of the path west being blocked for now)
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
But! You can now skip the experience grind! Amazing!
Furthermore, battles with rivals are faithfully reproduced. When Mr. Dangondo pointed out, 'Isn't Kimori not learning to master at level 5?', GPT-4 said, 'I have to apologize. I fixed the mistake,' showing the flexibility to quickly admit and correct mistakes.
It knows that your rival always has the pokemon with a type advantage over you, which is good, but bringing up the type advantage made it trick itself into thinking Treecko has a grass type move at level 5 (which it does not) and cheating. A quick correction fixed that
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
When I asked, 'Can you automatically simulate encounters with wild Pokemon?', GPT-4 caught wild Ralts. Additionally, Kip grows to level 10 and learns new moves. Then, we arrived at Touka City through Route 102. GPT-4 is no longer playing Pokemon, not Mr. Dangondo.
It can skip through the wild pokemon encounters for you and also decided to catch a Ralts for me? I'm glad because I always catch one here and it's normally tedious due to its 4% spawn rate. it knows about the two Oran berries
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
Although GPT-4 accurately remembers the names of Pokemon trainers it encounters on its journey, it seems that it does not accurately grasp the Pokemon owned by those trainers.
It knows the names of the two trainers in Petalburg Woods, but not the exact details of their parties . Lyle has 4 level 3 Wurmples and James has 2 level 6 Nincadas. James also normally comes after the battle with the Team Aqua Grunt iirc.
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
Also, during the battle with the bug-type Tsuchinin, it seems that there was a happening that he did not understand that the weak point of the ground type was the water type. When Mr. Dangond pointed out the mistake, he corrected it correctly, but the battle that started with the wrong type compatibility reduced Kip's health, and GPT-4 did not restore it. is.
It missed that Nincada was weak to Water Gun, and completely forgot about Team Aqua. When corrected about Nincada, it re-did that turn, but forgot to add back the health it took from
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
Dangondo, who noticed that the Aqua team that appeared in Pokemon Emerald did not appear, asked, ``What about the Aqua team?'' Immediately encountered a member of the Aqua team. And the Pokemon battle started immediately. When I won the battle, I was able to get a super ball because I saved the researcher from the devil's hand of the Aqua team.
Prompting it about Team Aqua fixes the missing Grunt issue quickly, this grunt does have the correct party. GPT also gives the correct reward for saving the researcher!
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
It seems that GPT-4 may mistake the Pokemon owned by some trainers, and the reason is that ``if you use two or more of the same Pokemon in your party, you will skip duplicates.'' Mr. Dangond has pinpointed.
It seems to skip duplicate pokemon in parties, Roxanne should have two level 12 Geodudes
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
Furthermore, when I entered 'Can you simulate the rest of the game up to the Pokemon League?', GPT-4 advanced the game to the stage just before the Pokemon League at once. Mr. Dangondo's party at the stage just before challenging the Pokemon League is 6 bodies: Hoodin: Level 54, Lagraj: Level 55, Gardevoir: Level 53, Bashamo: Level 52, Boss Godola: Level 51, and Leybolt: Level 50. Dangondo said that even though there should be no way to catch Achamo in this game because he chose Mizugoro first, there is Bashamo, an evolved form of Achamo, in the final party. Let's go?' he tweeted.
Any% speedrun here we go! I don't know how I got a Blaziken but works for me!
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
And I cleared the Pokemon league just by entering 'Win (victory)'.
gg ez (wrong champion, should be Wallace, but close enough, Steven was the champion in Sapphire and Ruby)
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
According to Dangondo, GPT-4 can also simulate completely original Pokemon.
I'm out of thread, but GPT can also simulate a completely original Pokemon game (obligatory Midjourney image of Arborunt, going off of a description provided by GPT). Hoping Nintendo doesn't send a cease and desist over this ????
—Dan Dangond (@DanDangond) March 15, 2023
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