A famous American university publishes a ``list of books recommended for college students'', what kind of books should college students read?

It is often said that it is better to read a lot of books while you are a student, but for many people, deciding what to read is itself a difficult task. Therefore,

St. John's College in the United States, which practices the `` Great Books curriculum '' that carefully reads one book, has released a `` List of recommended books for college students ''.

Great Books Reading List and Curriculum | St. John's College

The list below is not all the books introduced on the official page, but has been published as a single author in Japanese translation, and preferentially picks up books that are relatively easy to obtain. I have omitted the documents. Also, since the official list presents books according to the grade curriculum, some books overlap, but the list below is aligned to the lower grade.

◆ 1st grade
Aristophanes ' Cloud '

Herodotus '

History '

Lucretius, On

the Nature of Things

Homer 'The

Iliad '

Homer 'The Odyssey '

Plato 'The

State '

Thucydides '

History of War'

◆ 2nd grade

New Testament '

Dante Alighieri '

Divine Comedy '

Aristotle '

Theory of the Soul (What is the Mind/About the Soul) '

Augustine '

Confession '

Geoffrey Chaucer, The

Canterbury Tales

Descartes '

Discourse on Method '

Niccolo Machiavelli 'The

Prince '

William Shakespeare '

Hamlet '

William Shakespeare '

King Lear '

◆ 3rd grade
Jane Austen '

Pride and Prejudice '

Cervantes '

Don Quixote '

Madame Lafayette 'Lady of

Cleves '

George Eliot '

Middlemarch '

Galileo Galilei '

New Science Dialogue '

Thomas Hobbes '

Leviathan '

David Hume, '

Human Nature '

Immanuel Kant, Critique of

Pure Reason

John Locke,

Two Theories of Government

John Milton '

Paradise Lost '

Blaise Pascal '

Pensée '

Jean-Jacques Rousseau 'The

Social Contract '

Adam Smith,

Wealth of Nations

Jonathan Swift ' Gulliver's Travels '

Mark Twain '

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn '

Hannah Arendt '

The Human Condition '

Samuel Beckett '

Waiting for Godot '

Albert Camus 'The

Stranger '

Lao Tzu '

Lao Tzu Tao Jing '

Fyodor Dostoevsky '

Demons '

Gabriel Garcia Marquez '

One Hundred Years of Solitude '

James Joyce '

Ulysses '

Arthur Miller '

Death of a Salesman '

Marcel Proust, In Search of

Lost Time

◆ 4th grade
Joseph Conrad '

Heart of Darkness '

Charles Darwin '

Origin of Species '

Fyodor Dostoevsky 'The

Brothers Karamazov '

Alexis de Tocqueville '

Democracy in America '

Sigmund Freud '

Introduction to Psychoanalysis '

Karl Marx '

Capital '

Friedrich Nietzsche '

Beyond Good and Evil '

Leo Tolstoy 'War and

Peace '

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe '

Faust '

Virginia Woolf '

Mrs Dalloway '

Thomas Piketty '

Capital in the 21st Century '

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik