FCC warns telecom operator Twilio that communication will not be interrupted unless illegal ``Robocall'' that commits fraud with automatic voice is stopped

`` Robocall '', which makes automatic voice calls, markets political groups and companies, and sometimes commits fraud, has become a social problem. Until now, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States, which has asked only small-scale telecommunications carriers to stop Robocall communication, sent a stop recommendation to the major company '

Twilio ' for the first time, and within 48 hours It turns out that I warned you that you might disconnect from the communication system if you didn't stop it.

FCC Issues Robocall Cease-and-Desist Letter to Twilio | Federal Communications Commission

FCC Takes on Mortgage Scam Robocall Campaign Targeting Homeowners | Federal Communications Commission

FCC Threatens to Disconnect Twilio for Illegal Robocalls | Commsrisk

Robocall is known to be used for fraudulent acts that sometimes generate damages of 17 billion yen per year, and in the United States it is a serious problem that lawsuits against companies and individuals who have continued Robocall fraud are being held.

In order to address this robocall problem, the FCC sent a suspension recommendation to Twilio, which provides the communication platform, and requested that companies that use the company's platform to make robocalls stop communications within 48 hours.

'We have determined that Twilio appears to be making illegal robocalls on behalf of one or more of our clients,' the FCC said in a letter. Twilio must investigate communications and take action, including blocking where necessary, to prevent the network from continuing to serve as a source of illegal robocalls.' I warned you not to. We also ask Twilio to explain 'what kind of system was introduced' within 14 days.

Twilio has about 8,000 employees and a market capitalization of slightly over $10 billion (about 1.3 trillion yen) at the time of writing the article. Commsrisk, a foreign media outlet, commented on the sending of this letter, saying, ``If Twilio is suddenly disconnected, it will affect many other companies using Twilio, and will shock many in the commercial world. To issue a clear warning to a company of Twilio's size is an unprecedentedly strong enforcement process.'

The FCC has sent suspension advisories to small carriers in the past, and it seems that the 48-hour period given to Twilio is standard.

The illegal robocall that triggered this measure was done by a real estate brokerage company called MV Realty. MV Realty has been sued by prosecutors in several states for defrauding customers with fraudulent robocalls and demanding they mortgage their homes in exchange for small cash payments.

The FCC issued a message to protect against mortgage fraud, citing Twilio's poor response, saying, 'Large providers like Twilio allow illegal communications on their networks. It's alarming and I hope Twilio stops immediately.'

in Web Service,   Security, Posted by log1p_kr