Git repository of over 40GB of Russia's Google 'Yandex' leaked

yandex git sources | BreachForums
A user named borderline2023 leaked Yandex's Git repository, saying, ``Repository only, no data, 44.71 GB. Posting. In response to this post, BreachForums users commented, 'It looks pretty nice' and 'There are a lot of interesting tools.'

This has become a hot topic on Hacker News, an overseas bulletin board.
Tell HN: Whole Yandex Git repository leaked | Hacker News
Affected services include:
aapi.tar.bz2 admins.tar.bz2 ads.tar.bz2 alice.tar.bz2 analytics.tar.bz2 antiadblock.tar.bz2 antirobot.tar.bz2 autocheck.tar.bz2 balancer.tar.bz2 billing.tar.bz2 bindings.tar.bz2 captcha.tar.bz2 cdn.tar.bz2 certs.tar.bz2 ci.tar.bz2 classifieds.tar.bz2 client_analytics.tar.bz2 client_method.tar.bz2 cloud.tar.bz2 commerce.tar.bz2 connect.tar.bz2 crm.tar.bz2 crypto.tar.bz2 customer_service.tar.bz2 datacloud.tar.bz2 delivery.tar.bz2 direct.tar.bz2 disk.tar.bz2 docs.tar.bz2 drive.tar.bz2 extsearch.tar.bz2 fuzzing.tar.bz2 gencfg.tar.bz2 groups.tar.bz2 helpdesk.tar.bz2 infra.tar.bz2 intranet.tar.bz2 investors.tar.bz2 it-office.tar.bz2 jupytercloud.tar .bz2 kernel.tar.bz2 library.tar.bz2 load.tar.bz2 mail.tar.bz2 maps.tar.bz2 maps_2.tar.bz2 maps_adv.tar.bz2 market.tar.bz2 metrika.tar.bz2 mobile-WARNING -notfull.tar.bz2 nginx.tar.bz2 noc.tar.bz2 partner.tar.bz2 passport.tar.bz2 pay.tar.bz2 payplatform.tar.bz2 paysys.tar.bz2 portal.tar.bz2 robot.tar. bz2 rt-research.tar.bz2 saas.tar.bz2 sandbox.tar. bz2 search.tar.bz2 security.tar.bz2 skynet.tar.bz2 smart_devices.tar.bz2 smarttv.tar.bz2 solomon.tar.bz2 stocks.tar.bz2 tasklet.tar.bz2 taxi.tar.bz2 tools.tar. bz2 travel.tar.bz2 wmconsole.tar.bz2 yandex_io.tar.bz2 yandex360.tar.bz2 yaphone.tar.bz2 yawe.tar.bz2 frontend.tar.bz2
According to Hacker News, 'Yandex will likely monitor their infrastructure closely, investigate all known attack vectors that were previously unprioritized, and fix them as soon as possible.' But it is the most popular search engine in Russia, it has the best brand, it is difficult to copy the product of such a company, and it is very difficult to provide a search engine on the scale of Yandex. is expensive, so even if you copy the code and add some features, it won't be superseded by startup, etc. You'll probably find a lot of bugs, but that's not the end of the story. Apparently Yandex handles images pretty well, so some of them may be illegally copied to several places.'
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in Software, Web Service, Security, Posted by logu_ii