Children who feel that they are poorer than their friends have low self-esteem and happiness and are more likely to be bullied

Humans often compare themselves to the people around them even though they know they should stop doing it, and so do teenagers. A research team at the University of Cambridge, England, reported research results that children who think their homes are poor compared to their friends have low self-esteem and are more likely to be bullied.

The relationship between perceived income inequality, adverse mental health and interpersonal difficulties in UK adolescents - Piera Pi‐Sunyer - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry - Wiley Online Library

Scientists Discover That Feeling Poorer Than Your Friends Is Linked With Worse Mental Health

It was known from previous research that economic inequality in society as a whole is associated with mental health in young people, but the research team found that ``subjective economic evaluation compared to those around them'' is associated with mental health. We investigated the impact on

The research team used data from the Millennium Cohort Study , which longitudinally surveys children born in 2000 and 2001 in the UK. In addition to measures of mental health status and social behavior, the Millennium Cohort Study also asked questions about perceptions of economic status, as well as data on 'objective household income' based on household disposable income. said to have been collected.

From the results of a questionnaire conducted at the age of 11, the majority of children feel that they are in the same economic situation as their friends, while about 4% of children are poorer than their friends. It was shown that he felt that And 8% of the children, in contrast, felt that they were 'richer than their friends.'

When the research team analyzed the data, children who felt they were poorer than their friends had self-esteem scores of 6 to 8 compared to those who felt they were financially as good as their friends. % lower, and their happiness score was found to be 11% lower. In addition, they were 17% more likely to report being bullied or teased, as well as being more likely to experience anxiety and behavioral problems such as hyperactivity.

Although rates of being bullied and teased decreased overall by the time children turned 14, the study found that children who still felt poor were 8% more likely to be victims of bullying. The team reports In addition, children who felt that their financial status was different from those of their peers, whether poor or wealthy, were 3-5% more likely to engage in bullying.

Piera Pi-Sunyer , the lead author of the paper and a Ph.D. However, a sense of one's economic status in the immediate environment may be a problem for a sense of belonging, which is particularly important for well-being and psychosocial functioning in adolescence. Feeling different emotions in any way may increase the risk of interpersonal difficulties such as bullying.'

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik